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2024-10-29 11:01:58

NERDS at the #D3A Conference

4 photographs from the conference, showing frontal talks, a panel discussion, and a poster presentation
2024-12-09 08:04:45

Fall Nr. 6'696'7686'564'636 von bewusster Onlineabzoke-Abhängigkeit allen User:
«Buchung in fremdem Konto – sieht trotz Panne keinen Handlungsbedarf:
Im Konto eines landete unvermittelt eine fremde Buchung – offenbar aufgrund eines Tippfehlers. Obwohl es dem Nutzer sogar gelang, die Identität der Person zu enthüllen, sieht die Buchungsplattform sich nicht in der Verantwortung.»
2024-12-25 01:23:47

Get. Off. My. Lawn. 😳😝💣💥🫥💀
2024-11-26 09:24:07

Bluesky users:
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2025-01-24 15:33:10

Schönen Nachmittag mit einer Freundin gehabt, so cool. :blobcatcomfy:
2024-11-19 14:41:30

After wearing my cargo pants yesterday and being spoiled by decent sized pockets (I could fit my phone in the front pocket, keys, and lipstick without it falling out when I sit) I’m pissed again about the pockets in my current pants, back pocket I can only put my hand up to my second knuckle in the back (might fit a lipstick but it would fall out) and the front ones, stuff keeps falling out when I sit. I’m going to lengthen the pockets based on the cargo pants pockets, I don’t care if it ‘ruins the line of the pants, and adds bulkiness’ because as I always say, women’s pockets, when pants have them, are bullshit. And I don’t care if they make me look fat because I value function and comfort more. My son can fit a whole keyboard in his. I’ve been gradually lengthening my pockets as I get to them, or wearing a Fanny pack, but had to go to a funeral Sunday and got pissed again about my pockets. I want to empower other women with decent pockets, so we can take over. That poem about seditious pockets comes to mind. Or at least carry phones and keys. Will post photos. #sewing #pockets #womenspants
2024-12-09 07:00:17

«Split Effects with no Content Duplication»
– from @…
2024-11-21 02:49:03

Have A Day

A stack of red shopping baskets sit in front of a gray stand in a store. A white board is attached to the gray stand. Someone has written these words: Have a day. There is a blank space between the word a and the word day.
2024-12-09 07:30:10

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