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2024-11-26 09:38:27

Welcome! You've reached the official Fediverse (or Bluesky) account of the Chinafake Wiki at! We specialize in creating a database of bootleg and generic toys from China. (ever been to one of those small dollar stores that isn't part of a chain?) Visit us at
2024-11-21 19:19:17

Vantaalaisesta joutomaasta viherkeitaaksi #Vantaa #luonto #ympäristö
2024-12-17 23:25:32

To paraphrase John Gilmore,
*"Europe interprets Trump as damage and routes around him".*
2025-01-03 09:14:11

«Die #Quantenphysik beschreibt nicht die #Realität, sondern die Art und Weise, wie wir mit ihr interagieren»
Kann sogar die #Homöopathie durch Quantenphysik erklärt werden? Für Physike…
2025-01-23 18:14:01

#Trump is butthurd by a bishop telling him indirectly that his politiks are bad.
He wants a apology and says that she is a leftextreme trump hater.
Does this sound like kindergarden drama? Yes.
Is this person running the country? Yes.