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2024-11-01 09:34:15

@… it's so good to see you here 😊 sorry I am not managing to follow or support you much these days 😔 I do want to send you my hugs and gratitude 🤗 even though I already follow XOXO and have them all on queue ⏳ the Cabel Sasser talk you put at the top of your email today truly has life-changing potential ☀️ At the very least it is a bright ray of sunshin…
2024-12-31 13:47:43

The "going out of business" signs have gone up at our local Big Lots discount shop.
#BigLots #Retail #Ohio

An empty orange shopping cart with the words Big Lots sits in a  parking lot in front of a shop. A sign above the wide sliding entrance doors reads "Big Lots Entrance." Between that sign and the sliding doors is a vinyl banner that reads "Closing" in huge letters. Two big signs are posted on the doors. One reads "store closing" and the other reads "Entire store up to 25% off." The pavement of the parking lot has numerous cracks.
2024-10-28 18:27:10

Bernd: "In dieser Asia-Suppe waren drei Päckchen Zutaten, aber sie ist dennoch total geschmacklos."
Mela: *wackelt mit der Nase* "Vielleicht haben sie alles in den Geruch gesteckt?"
Bernd: "Du meinst, ich habe keinen Geschmack mehr?"
Mela: "Uh … Du hast nicht etwa Covid? Iss mal ein Stück Covid-Testschokolade."
Bernd: "???"
Mela: "Hat doch Lars mehrfach drüber geschrieben. Fast so gut wie ein Schnelltest. Aber wi…
2024-10-31 22:38:26

The Chinafake Wiki team wishes you a happy Halloween! :)
2024-11-25 09:56:32

#yahoo app puts delete next to select... am I a grumpy old git with overly fat thumbs or what? Why have a select option and not let me select on one click. GUI design has really gone down the pan and why can't I decide how I want to have my menus appear? Where is AI when you need it. Are there ANY #android

drop down menu showing select then below delete
2024-10-05 07:57:30

If MAGA fascist types have a weird biological fear of contracting diseases, that would kind of make sense in an uneducated, ill-informed logic sort of way.
It doesn't explain why so many got the heebie jeebies around wearing masks during COVID-19 but maybe these weirdos just hate the association they mentally have with masks & disease...?
"Hate body odour? You're more likely to have rightwing views" | Psychology | The Guardian
2024-12-25 18:57:53

Like Malaysia Airlines MH17 and Korean Air Lines 007, seems Azerbaijan Airlines J2-8243 may have been shot down. #russia just can’t stop hurting people.
“FlightRadar24…said…aircraft…faced ‘strong GPS jamming,’ which ‘made…aircraft transmit bad ADS-B data,’ referring to…information…allows flight-tracking websites to follow planes…Russia…blamed in…past for jamming GPS transmissions…”
2024-11-21 02:49:03

Have A Day

A stack of red shopping baskets sit in front of a gray stand in a store. A white board is attached to the gray stand. Someone has written these words: Have a day. There is a blank space between the word a and the word day.