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2024-06-10 04:56:21

People in Poland keep being "surprised" by left wing parties losing elections here, but really, what could you expect? You just have to listen to how my parents' generation thinks, and I suppose many youngsters believe the same story.
Of course, left wing politicians are "commies". And communism is the synonym of evil incarnate (it doesn't really matter that their primary problem was actually capitalism, the way People's Republic of Poland did it). "Commies" took away their freedom — "freedom" meaning the access to limitless consumption of wares of the great "western" culture.
So Tusk (the leader of the more liberal right wing party) is seen as the only "real" alternative to Kaczyński (the leader of PiS, the other big right wing party). That said, PiS is bad not because they're nazis. They're bad because they are "thieves" (but Tusk's thievery is fine, after all "every politician is a thief"), because they don't uphold democracy (when Tusk did it, it was fine, because they had to "restore order" after PiS's defeat) and most importantly, because they "give money away to people", and the country "is broke" as a result. You can't help people that way! The only people you should help are entrepreneurs, and that's going to solve all the problems. People just need to "move their asses" and start working.
And of course, these awful left wing politicians want to take their freedom. Saving the planet? Naah, they won't live long enough to suffer the worst (they're going to find a nasty surprise, or perhaps not, because they're not going to see through their illusion), so why should they give up on anything. They've "earned" everything they've got. And their grandchildren? They don't need clean air or water, they just need more toys and sweets.
And their bubble is always right. They have their new god to confirm that, their previous TV. The national TV, serving right wing propaganda, and private TV, serving capitalist propaganda. But it's all truth, because private TV obviously doesn't serve interests of a specific party. Besides, nobody would be watching news broadcasts full of lies! They'd lose viewers, and therefore money. Ergo, it all must be true.
Finally, all that's evil is the fault of immigrants, nonbinary people, people of different religion, skin color, culture, people who "are too lazy to work". There's always a better suspect than the white, cis, hetero, Catholic, truly polish bourgeois.
2024-06-08 01:04:44

There is a new documentary out called NOBODY WANTS TO TALK ABOUT JACOB APPELBAUM, funded by Canadian public money and airing this month on the public broadcaster's streaming service. The trailer makes it seem like a spy caper and an indulgence of Jake's delusions of persecution. Remember: Jacob is a serial rapist who only escaped prosecution because he picked victims from anarchist counter-cultural communities, where there is widespread distrust of the police. The documentary filmmakers attempted to talk to some of the victims of Jacob's sexual assaults, but judging by the title of the film, they did not make much progress with their inquiries. Instead, it seems they talked mainly to Jake's apologists, and to others who had little involvement in exposing Jake's crimes. I remember 2016 well: it's not that nobody wants to talk about Jacob Appelbaum, it's that we have talked enough about Jacob, he's a malignant narcissist, if it were up to him, we would do nothing but talk about Jacob Appelbaum. Anyway, for those who now must again talk about him, I am publishing a blog with everything people have said so far about Jacob Appelbaum, in order of importance. See and send it to anyone who tries to talk to you about Jacob Appelbaum but has never met Jacob Appelbaum. If you have a story about Jake that you want to tell, get in touch with me.
2024-06-12 00:58:55

constructing an island in the sky high above #nyc & broadcasting #music from it. meet me on 91.1 FM from now 'til midnight ET. the frow show, only on @…. float on up.

multi-color island-like blob on black background
2024-06-08 01:04:44

There is a new documentary out called NOBODY WANTS TO TALK ABOUT JACOB APPELBAUM, funded by Canadian public money and airing this month on the public broadcaster's streaming service. The trailer makes it seem like a spy caper and an indulgence of Jake's delusions of persecution. Remember: Jacob is a serial rapist who only escaped prosecution because he picked victims from anarchist counter-cultural communities, where there is widespread distrust of the police. The documentary filmmakers attempted to talk to some of the victims of Jacob's sexual assaults, but judging by the title of the film, they did not make much progress with their inquiries. Instead, it seems they talked mainly to Jake's apologists, and to others who had little involvement in exposing Jake's crimes. I remember 2016 well: it's not that nobody wants to talk about Jacob Appelbaum, it's that we have talked enough about Jacob, he's a malignant narcissist, if it were up to him, we would do nothing but talk about Jacob Appelbaum. Anyway, for those who now must again talk about him, I am publishing a blog with everything people have said so far about Jacob Appelbaum, in order of importance. See and send it to anyone who tries to talk to you about Jacob Appelbaum but has never met Jacob Appelbaum. If you have a story about Jake that you want to tell, get in touch with me.
2024-03-20 15:16:50

I’m attending Building Bridges for America Action Fund’s event, “How to Be Politically Active- List, Listen to, and Engage Your Network” – sign up!
2024-04-27 17:36:16

This is the view right out my kitchen window at 400mm; zoomed in you might see a few seeds in this cardinal's mouth that he got from our bird feeder.
#birds #photo #photography

A red male cardinal bird looks small in a sea of grass with some clover and dandilion stems blurry in the distance.  The red bird has seeds on both cheeks that it got from a bird feeder.
2024-05-03 07:21:36

Abell 0399-Abell 0401 radio bridge spectral index: the first multifrequency detection
G. V. Pignataro, A. Bonafede, G. Bernardi, F. de Gasperin, G. Brunetti, T. Pasini, F. Vazza, N. Biava, J. M. G. H. J. de Jong, R. Cassano, A. Botteon, M. Br\"uggen, H. J. A. R\"ottgering, R. J. van Weeren, T. W. Shimwell
2024-04-19 17:56:54

Las Vegas Raiders' best day two fit in the 2024 NFL Draft would be a steal
2024-05-01 11:44:55

Bird of the Day — Least Flycatcher, Kansas, yesterday
Sizing me up
#Nature #NaturePhotography #Birds #Wildlife

White-bellied bird with gray wings and white wing-bars, perched in a thicket and glaring at the camera