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2024-06-06 11:00:06

hiv_transmission: HIV transmission network (1988-2001)
A set of networks of HIV transmissions between people through sexual, needle-sharing, or social connections, based on combining 8 datasets collected from 1988 to 2001. Metadata includes test results of several diseases, as well as demographic variables such as age, ethnicity, and gender. Networks come in two flavors: egodyads and altdyads. Egodyads are the network among study-participants and their direct partners. Altdyads are the…

hiv_transmission: HIV transmission network (1988-2001). 35229 nodes, 85890 edges.
2024-06-06 12:02:28

"Where there have been changes in tone from #Labour, they have come after being punished at the ballot box. Politicians who are more concerned about losing votes than children losing their lives shouldn’t be allowed near power."
2024-06-07 11:17:44

Newly Found Dinosaur Seems to Have Had Arms Even Smaller Than T. Rex
2024-06-06 12:37:21

Is your organisation interested in training employees to recognise cyber risks? Are you looking for inspiration or ready-to-use materials? Take a look at our newly launched #SecurityAwareness Resources Hub!
It includes materials developed by GÉANT and numerous tools made available by #NRENs

Tiny great ape fossils identified as new species from Europe
A kneecap and two teeth found in Germany have been identified as belonging to a new species of ape from 11.6 million years ago,
thought to have weighed as little as 10 kilograms
2024-06-07 19:14:36

A short history of my attitude towards swap memory.
Stage 1: I don't have enough RAM, so I have to use swap.
Stage 2: I have enough RAM now for usual tasks now. I sometimes hit swapping, and the kernel handles it badly, so I'd rather have it kill stuff instead. I remove swap.
Stage 3: I discover that kernel handles OOM without swap even worse. I start using swap again.
#Gentoo #Linux
2024-06-06 17:50:47

I just remembered that I have forgotten to install OpenLens - said and done.
What a nice and convenient tool to have if you are using k8s.
Now, I just have to bring my docker-library online,,
2024-06-06 10:30:42

Sources: as Humane's Ai Pin flopped, with just ~10,000 orders by early April, the startup started talking to HP about a $1B sale; Humane has raised $240M (New York Times)
2024-06-06 16:10:25

@… ja, ich weiß das das problematisch ist. Ich habe mir schon oberflächlich angeschaut, worum es hier geht. Aber nicht im Detail. Von den was ich gelesen habe darüber finde ich nicht, dass es sie den Job kosten sollte. Der mediale Hype zielt aber wie immer genau auf dieses ultimative Drama ab.
2024-06-07 18:39:11

I might have asked this before, I swear I am not getting old and forgetful. Then again, maybe I am I and I forgot. Does anyone have a suggestion for Super Computer training? (online) Or links to reading material. I have an old cluster, basically 8 nodes with tons of cpu, ram and an nVidia card. Ive been updating it for a bit, but now have kernel/nvida conflicts. Plus its CentOS7 so I have to go somewhere with it. [Note, this isn't 'on the internet' so the risk is low, but still.…