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2024-04-28 02:21:42

I was about 6 years old when I figured out how to whistle. Don’t recall why, or how long I’d been trying, just the moment it happened. I was so proud, I went immediately into my parents’ bedroom and whistled loudly at my father’s face. Maybe 6am. On a Sunday. He was not best pleased, my dad. I could tell that right away. I think I whistle today because of what happened next, which I don’t remember. Just a feeling, I guess. It was a while before I whistled again.
2024-04-26 14:13:00

Solarpaket I: Bundestag und Bundesrat stimmen zu
Kein weiterer Aufschub für das Solarpaket I: Nach dem Bundestag stimmte am Freitag auch der Bundesrat den Veränderungen zu. Wie es jetzt weitergeht.
2024-02-26 15:58:50


Esther Mahlangu painted her BMW in over a week in 1991, using feathers to apply the paint, as part of the Art Car series which started in the 1970s.
In the late-1980s BMW had made a strong stand internationally for SA art at a time of change by getting the engaging Ndebele artist Esther Mahlangu to paint their desirable car and turn it into an artwork which vibrantly reflected her cultural heritage.
2024-02-26 15:34:15

Me: What animals do you like?
Wife: Interesting question... I think when I was young I liked certain animals because they were cute and I wanted to cuddle them, kittens, puppies, etc. but as I got older I tended to like animals that are endangered in some way, especially turtles.
Me: I like orcas because they destroy yachts.
2024-02-26 19:01:44

Update: I’m apparently not.
(Not deleting this so we don’t lose the conversation in the comments. Just don’t want new folks getting tripped up by it.)
* * *
Sounds like I’m shadow-banned on mastodon.…
2024-03-27 21:38:26

Pitch perfect. 😂 #academia #HigherEducation…
2024-04-26 08:22:05

Det går mye i jus, Ÿkonomi og ledelse. Det er vi skal leve av etter olja
2024-02-27 12:25:05

I was not built to be a teacher, yet I send letter after letter, trying to teach people that their art is unreachable by many. I was not built to train, and yet so often I am pressed into instructing--that's not a toy, please don't touch without asking, reading audiobooks is still reading. I weary, and most of the time, I let this mean that I am not a teacher or trainer or even example, but sometimes my mouth cannot stay closed, so...
But I was not built... #MicroPrompt #MastoPrompt #WSS366
2024-03-28 00:45:30

i usually take notes when i do anything programmy or hackerly, but it appears that i did not, recently. i probably figured i'd remember what i did. reader, i do not
2024-02-26 10:00:31

We all need more AI. @…