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2024-04-07 22:31:43

Sometimes I think about a few who I've interacted with here in the past and enjoyed interacting with, but who no longer interact with me for some reason.😔
I post a LOT, and most of the time what I say, I guess gets on people's nerves because I'm passionate about certain topics. Sometimes though, I make really meaningful connections (to me) and those people sometimes stop talking to me too and it feels terrible. Like ive lost a close friend cause I'm a piece of shit and said some dumb shit.
That last part is the worst because it's how I've felt my entire life. I almost have no filter, so I say what's in my head and that's not the "polite" and "easy-going" thing to do. I have one friend left in my entire life because friends just drop me when I piss them off accidentally...
Rejection sensitivity fucking sucks.
2024-03-07 20:42:08

Today I had a job interview where I was asked what's a big architecture decision I made that I'm proud of and I've been thinking about it the whole day and I can't find an answer.
It's kinda like asking me what's my favorite song I made or what's my favorite child I fathered: they are what they are, they all made sense at the time, and I will defend them all.
I'm going to be unemployed forever, right?
2024-04-06 16:36:16

I wanna take a nap
and I don't know why
I'm pretty sure I got
enough sleep last night
But my brain's feeling fuzzy
I've gotten of track
I'm gonna take a nap
and be right back 💤
2024-03-06 16:03:57

I wanted to post this conversation with a doctor I had two weeks ago.
Me: I've been trying to eat a bit healthier, I start each with a fruit smoothie, bananas...
Doc: You know what bananas have?
Me: Umm, protein-
Doc: Calories!
Me: Don't we need calories?
Doc: I only eat one meal a day!
Me: Ohhh, my brother does that. I don't know, I get pretty hungry during the day.
Doc: It's your mind! You don't need that much food. Just o…
2024-03-06 04:08:57

I joke about undermining myself, but it's really about integrity. I don't hold others to a higher standard than I would apply to myself — and I don't hold back calling out a gap that I myself also have
I'm willing to criticize myself openly when challenging all of us to do better
I'm not saying that's easy or that we're always able to recognize that, but shouldn't we all strive to do that?
2024-04-06 13:35:53

I love woke!
Its got wow,
We, our, kindness, empathy.
Love and Woke go together like peaches and cream, two peas in a pod, spice and life.
If I could choose a Word to be, I'd be Woke.
2024-05-07 21:07:42

People here hate algorithms and I get it. I don't get any engagement on platforms that have them.
However, if I don't tag something with enough relevant tags here, I get the same experience and I have 800 followers, and if I tag TOO many things, someone bitches at me to stop doing that.
There HAS to be a better way to do this...
And I might not get engagement on this because I just don't know what to tag it now, in fear of offending *someone* with my tags...😩🤦‍♂️
2024-04-06 13:35:53

I love woke!
Its got wow,
We, our, kindness, empathy.
Love and Woke go together like peaches and cream, two peas in a pod, spice and life.
If I could choose a Word to be, I'd be Woke.
2024-05-07 21:07:42

People here hate algorithms and I get it. I don't get any engagement on platforms that have them.
However, if I don't tag something with enough relevant tags here, I get the same experience and I have 800 followers, and if I tag TOO many things, someone bitches at me to stop doing that.
There HAS to be a better way to do this...
And I might not get engagement on this because I just don't know what to tag it now, in fear of offending *someone* with my tags...😩🤦‍♂️
2024-04-07 18:05:29

What the fuck is up with people I follow, interacting with a LOT of my posts, but not following me back. It's just really weird.
I interact with a lot of people I don't follow. But if I interact with the same user's posts multiple times, I'm following them so I don't have to "find" them again if they post something else I might want to interact with.
Everyone has their own ways, but this one, I just don't understand.