"Blockbuster Inc." angespielt: Kein Kassenschlager
In der Wirtschaftssimulation "Blockbuster Inc." werden die Spieler zum Filmtycoon. Eine nette Idee, lieblos umgesetzt.
"Blockbuster Inc." angespielt: Kein Kassenschlager
In der Wirtschaftssimulation "Blockbuster Inc." werden die Spieler zum Filmtycoon. Eine nette Idee, lieblos umgesetzt.
It’s the month of #Pride!
Here’s some custom emojis to celebrate!
Super tiny project release - do you have a Tor site? Do you want to make sure it's online? Do you also have any service that includes "Cron monitoring" or "scheduled task monitoring" (ex. OhDear)?
If the answer to all three is yes, here's a super simple 30MB Docker image to make sure your Tor site is online! https:…
Apple und die KI: Geistesblitz im Weihnachtsurlaub?
Apple steht angeblich kurz davor, neue KI-Funktionen für seine Software vorzustellen. Der Stein soll zum Jahreswechsel 2022/23 ins Rollen gekommen sein.
I just searched #DuckDuckGo for "Awesome Selfhosted", and noticed that the image result section was all blurred out. Turns out all the non-safe image results for that term are all porn. wtf?
So, decided to move from `plotly` and go with `cartopy` for the map rendering as I couldn't keep the warning polygons within the viewport of the generated image. For now, the map isn't a fixed aspect ratio which is annoying, but the warning area is now completely within the generated image. Learning about map projections has been a challenge, and once I can figure out how to wrap my mind around them I'll give the aspect ratio part another go. Until then: it works...
Super tiny project release - do you have a Tor site? Do you want to make sure it's online? Do you also have any service that includes "Cron monitoring" or "scheduled task monitoring" (ex. OhDear)?
If the answer to all three is yes, here's a super simple 30MB Docker image to make sure your Tor site is online! https:…
So, decided to move from `plotly` and go with `cartopy` for the map rendering as I couldn't keep the warning polygons within the viewport of the generated image. For now, the map isn't a fixed aspect ratio which is annoying, but the warning area is now completely within the generated image. Learning about map projections has been a challenge, and once I can figure out how to wrap my mind around them I'll give the aspect ratio part another go. Until then: it works...