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2024-12-12 09:40:40

Was soll ich dazu noch ergänzend sagen ausser: Das Internet und ihre Dienste muss dezentral und unabhängig gegenseitig weiter nutzbar sein. Dies bezüglich ist ua das Fediverse und andere Webdienste von Vorteil. Es muss nicht ALLES online abhängig sein.
👉 Nächtlicher Ausfall legte Instagram, Whatsapp und Facebook lahm
2024-11-29 11:06:44

this is genuinely half of chinafake repairing

a greentext reading:
> fix split gear
> put chinafake back together
> doesn't move right
> look inside
> split gear
below this is a picture of a cat staring at the camera.
2025-01-14 20:22:04


Injustice Watch first reported on the incident, saying Glennon-Goodman had told a confidant that “the message was intended for a close friend and was instead mistakenly sent to a fellow judge with the same first name.”
2024-12-20 22:55:40

Got bullied* into doing some yoga and chilling out instead.
All good though. Now I am beered up and ready to write!
* after complaining about my shoulders for 20 straight minutes
2025-01-07 15:16:25

«Nous allons revenir Š nos racines et nous concentrer sur la réduction des erreurs, la simplification de nos politiques et la restauration de la liberté d’expression sur nos plateformes», a déclaré mardi le directeur de Meta dans une vidéo. Il a ajouté: «Plus précisément, nous allons nous débarrasser des vérificateurs de faits et les remplacer par des notes communautaires similaires Š X, en commençant par les Etats-Unis».
2024-11-21 21:19:10

Allekirjoita vetoomus koirien puolesta! #eläinoikeudet #koirat #Yulin
2024-12-20 23:00:25

@… Aha, I get you now! This is the best thing about proofs (I feel the same way about dependently-typed programming). The more information you can convey in a signature or type, the less you need to look inside.
I'm surprised you say that Go is close to it, though; is this because of culture? I'm sure that Rob Pike shouting “don't do anything cle…
2024-11-21 22:22:14

(2022) Valtaosa munivista kanoista kärsii rintalastan murtumista, kertovat tutkimukset #eläinoikeudet #kana #kananmuna