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2024-01-27 13:39:00

Datenverkehr im Internet steigt weiter kräftig an
In der Infrastruktur des Internets spielen die Netzknoten des DE-CIX eine wichtige Rolle. Bei Sport-Großereignissen fließen ständig größere Datenmengen.
2024-03-26 09:00:05

interactome_vidal: Vidal human interactome (2005)
A network of human proteins and their binding interactions. Nodes represent proteins and an edge represents a binding interaction between two proteins, as tested using a high-throughput yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) system.
This network has 3133 nodes and 6726 edges.
Tags: Biological, Protein interactions, Unweighted

interactome_vidal: Vidal human interactome (2005). 3133 nodes, 6726 edges.
2024-03-26 14:00:00

"Australia must lead the world on nature restoration through ambitious interpretation of international law"
#Australia #Nature #Environment
2024-02-26 23:45:22

Well that is very interesting! Introducing Mistral-Large on Azure in partnership with Mistral AI | Microsoft Azure Blog
2024-02-27 13:31:00

Deutsche Bank will Homeoffice einschränken: Über 1000 Beschwerden im Intranet
Bislang ist in Teilen der Deutschen Bank eine Quote von 60 Prozent Zeit im Homeoffice die Regel. Das soll weniger werden. Der interne Protest ist immens.
2024-02-26 00:00:06

interactome_figeys: Figeys human interactome (2007)
A network of human proteins and their binding interactions. Nodes represent proteins and an edge represents an interaction between two proteins, as inferred using a mass spectrometry‐based approach.
This network has 2239 nodes and 6452 edges.
Tags: Biological, Protein interactions, Unweighted

interactome_figeys: Figeys human interactome (2007). 2239 nodes, 6452 edges.
2024-01-27 15:00:06

interactome_stelzl: Stelzl human interactome (2005)
A network of human proteins and their binding interactions. Nodes represent proteins and an edge represents an interaction between two proteins, as inferred via high-throughput Y2H experiments using bait and prey methodology.
This network has 1706 nodes and 6207 edges.
Tags: Biological, Protein interactions, Unweighted

interactome_stelzl: Stelzl human interactome (2005). 1706 nodes, 6207 edges.
2024-03-26 07:37:00

Schwarzmarkt für Starlink-Antennen: Illegale Nutzung nimmt international zu
Offiziell ist Starlink in vielen Staaten nicht zugelassen, benutzt wird es dort trotzdem. Dazu gehören auch Bürgerkriegsgebiete wie der Sudan.
2024-02-26 16:00:08

mist: MIST protein interaction database (2020)
The Molecular Interaction Search Tool (MIST) is a comprehensive resource of molecular interactions, assembled from severla primary sources. MIST currently supports several species, including:.
This network has 33399 nodes and 2028834 edges.
Tags: Biological, Protein interactions, Unweighted

mist: MIST protein interaction database (2020). 33399 nodes, 2028834 edges.
2024-03-27 11:00:05

genetic_multiplex: Multiplex genetic interactions (2014)
Multiplex networks representing different types of genetic interactions, for different organisms. Layers represent (i) physical, (ii) association, (iii) co-localization, (iv) direct, and (v) suppressive, (vi) additive or synthetic genetic interaction. Edge direction (i,j) indicates gene i interacting with gene j.
This network has 18222 nodes and 170899 edges.
Tags: Biological, Gene regulation, Protein interactions, Un…

genetic_multiplex: Multiplex genetic interactions (2014). 18222 nodes, 170899 edges.