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2024-03-06 08:40:52

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-04-28 18:38:09

Let's say you set up a ticket vending machine for public transport, and you feel very ... not sure, maybe bureaucratic?
What should you call that machine? What about:
Passenger Operated Machine (POM).
The domain/object modelers among us just died a little.
2024-04-26 07:02:17

OmniLearn: A Method to Simultaneously Facilitate All Jet Physics Tasks
Vinicius Mikuni, Benjamin Nachman
2024-04-26 15:59:54

Regionalverband Ems-Jade von Pro Bahn kritisiert Ersatzverkehr und Partyzug
Der Fahrgastverband Pro Bahn kritisiert den Ersatzfahrplan auf der Strecke Wilhelmshaven-Osnabrück. Und dann wird auch noch ein Partyzug in Sande Station machen. Das habe Folgen, sagt Regionalverbandsvorsitzender Hans-Joachim Zschiesche.
2024-03-26 07:14:58

Modeling the inner part of the jet in M87: Confronting jet morphology with theory
Hai Yang, Feng Yuan, Hui Li, Yosuke Mizuno, Fan Guo, Rusen Lu, Luis C. Ho, Xi Lin, Andrzej A. Zdziarski, Jieshuang Wang
2024-03-10 20:34:55

Ukrainian fighter jet pilot reportedly killed in action in Donetsk Oblast:
2024-05-29 22:25:15

I really got the new espresso machine for espresso. That doesn't mean I can't try making cappuccino. Turns out the "textured" (as they call it) milk can get a structure where it can actually form a half-inch hill. Somewhat amazed at the physics (chemistry?) here.
2024-04-26 15:59:54

Regionalverband Ems-Jade von Pro Bahn kritisiert Ersatzverkehr und Partyzug
Der Fahrgastverband Pro Bahn kritisiert den Ersatzfahrplan auf der Strecke Wilhelmshaven-Osnabrück. Und dann wird auch noch ein Partyzug in Sande Station machen. Das habe Folgen, sagt Regionalverbandsvorsitzender Hans-Joachim Zschiesche.
2024-05-29 22:25:15

I really got the new espresso machine for espresso. That doesn't mean I can't try making cappuccino. Turns out the "textured" (as they call it) milk can get a structure where it can actually form a half-inch hill. Somewhat amazed at the physics (chemistry?) here.
2024-05-19 16:58:39

In light of recent discussions how to make it easier to interact with content on #fediverse servers other than your home instance:
What MSN does here is interesting. You can “follow” before you sign in (not sure what that means? They implicitly create an “account” just from a session cookie?)
Also, assuming MSN has the money and expertise to really research this, the actual sign-in exp…