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2024-06-14 14:32:03

Editorial: Confronting Keir #Starmer's manifesto myths | Morning Star. #GE2024
2024-06-14 13:08:08

Keir Starmer truly is the sliced white bread of politicians.
2024-06-16 23:09:38

#KeirStarmer and his people thinking Biden's 2020 strategy of being "not Trump" was brilliant a) explains so much and b) is absolutely ridiculous. They think that vagueness was a masterstroke and are trying to emulate it.
Of course Keir Starmer is the perfect candidate for not being something because he isn't really anything at all.
2024-06-13 20:17:32

This "wealth creation" we keep hearing about is expropriation of surplus labour and theft of resources (primitive accumulation/accumulation by dispossession).
This "wealth creation" slogan is used by Tories and Labour alike.
It's taking the piss, and the sweat and blood.