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2024-06-07 04:48:31

Schweizer Bundespräsidentin sieht Friedenskonferenz nur als Auftakt
Die Schweizer Bundespräsidentin Viola Amherd geht davon aus, dass die von ihrem Land organisierte Ukraine-Friedenskonferenz Mitte Juni nur der Auftakt für weitere Verhandlungen ist. "Für uns ist klar, dass wir am Ende der Konferenz keine Friedensvereinbarung unterschreiben werden", sagte Amherd der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung. Für einen Frieden brauche es…
2024-06-07 05:08:35

The Military’s Myth of Black Freedom | Portside
2024-06-06 11:40:02

Marodes Schienennetz: Tausende zusätzliche Lkw auf Thüringer Straßen befürchtet
Thüringer Verkehrsunternehmen dürfen ihre Güter nicht mehr auf der Schiene transportieren. Das hat große Auswirkungen auf viele Orte in Thüringen.

GOP Judges Strike Down Far-Right Religious Liberty Training Punishment
Even the Fifth Circuit said punishing Southwest Airlines with an Alliance Defending Freedom training was too much.
Last year, a federal judge in Texas appointed by Trump ordered three senior lawyers for the airline to take eight hours of training from the #ADF ("Alliance Defending Freedom")
as part of sanctions re…
2024-06-07 23:18:26

Inside the Bureau of Meteorology’s forecast failings: As the Bureau of Meteorology pulls back on its international obligations, increasing automation and a lack of experienced staff has made forecasts less reliable. By Rick Morton.
2024-06-07 16:36:59

:kitten: Say hello to the new Kitten web site! 🎉
Like Kitten itself, it’s a baby but will be evolving quickly as they approach API version 1 together.
PS. Of course it’s written in Kitten itself. It doesn’t do anything fancy but here…

Screenshot of the main page of the Kitten web site at

Title: Kitten

Nav: Home, Tutorials, Reference, Credits, FAQ, Fund Us

A 💕 Small Web development kit.

Build using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Progressively enhance with Streaming HTML and htmx.
Go beyond traditional web apps to create peer-to-peer 💕 Small Web apps.
Free as in freedom, small as in Small Technology.

Callout with pink background:  🍼 Kitten is still a baby. Expect breaking changes until API versio…
Screenshot of Kitten web site; main page, scrolled with the System requirements collapsible area under the Get started heading open:

System requirements

- Linux, macOS, and Windows (WSL 2).
- Bash version 5.x+.
- Common developer tools and system utilities (git, tar, tee, and xz).

Heading: Install
Tabs: Linux (selected), macOS, Windows

Selected Linux tab:
Run the following command in a terminal window (or, use curl):

wget -qO- | bash

Copy button
Screenshot of the main page of the Kitten web site, scrolled to the Play section showing a video of yours truly (white-passing guy with short brown hair and glasses in a room lit with a blue-lit background. I’m looking at two windows superimposed on my screen. Top window is a browser with a tab titled Counter. In it is a counter at 5 with plus and minus buttons. Under it is an editor showing the code for the counter component that rendered it:

const Count = () => kitten.html`
Screenshot of a tutorial page (Index > 6. Kitten’s interactive Shell (REPL) 🐢) on the Kitten web site.

A callout is partially visible under the title/breadcrumb navigation:

Explore Kitten’s interactive shell (REPL) to inspect your database and get introduced to the concept of Kitten components.

Topics covered
How to launch and use Kitten’s interactive shell (REPL).
Exploring the global kitten object.

The heading and navigation is the same as in the first screenshot.
2024-06-07 12:33:05

🔊 Auf radioeins läuft...
Freedom Fry:
🎵 Corde Sensible
#NowPlaying #FreedomFry
2024-06-07 06:30:35

As a #journalist, one needs to be very careful in certain countries. Which happens to correlate heavily with countries which would require more careful journalism.
Our #freedom depends on #FreedomOfPress
2024-06-06 01:46:07

Sen. Rick Scott Leads Colleagues in Slamming Democrats' Attacks on Religious Freedoms & Parental Rights, Political Games on Contraception (U.S. Senator Rick Scott)
2024-06-07 18:44:04

We are fortunate in the very low quality of the head-the-ball candidate swathe.
We are unfortunate at it taking root like a weed at all.