Drawing attention to this thread of comments of mine from a few days ago, as it goes deeper into apparent efforts from European nations to Trump-proof Ukraine, which is actually VERY important for European security.
It's nice seeing news articles pointing out Ukrainian funding & Russian appeasement isn't something Trump gets to dictate, but rather, a situation where Europe is trying to diplomatically push back against Trump to defend their legitimate security interests.
My dear dear friend had been misdiagnosed with lingering pneumonia in the spring, and had spells of being very sick, nothing was helping. She finally got a breast cancer diagnosis a couple of weeks ago, and it had already spread everywhere, two weeks later she passed. I’m still in shock. Please stay up to date with your self exams and mammograms, and if you have an ailment that’s not clearing up, keep seeing doctors until they figure out what it is, get second opinions! Don’t wait. Love you Mary.
Können wir uns Demokraten bitte auf eine würdige Diskussionskultur einigen? Das ist doch absoluter Kindergarten auf eine legitime Bewerbung auf ein politisches Amt in derart unsachlicher Art und Weise zu reagieren. Lasst das doch die Wählenden entscheiden und stellt bessere Kandidaten, die für konsensfähige Inhalte werben und überlasst dieses Niveau den Populisten! #Habeck