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2024-04-06 00:21:21

What if I told you that the #BC government could allocate its current #transportation capital spending in a way that not only makes BC public #transit greener—but also brings it closer to the extensive networks seen in Europe a…

Vision of Inter-regional ...
Vancouver Island Rail Corridor


with logos for bus and train
2024-04-05 16:16:14

Top Rangers and Astros Prospects Close to the Big Leagues
#MLB #Baseball #JustBaseball
2024-06-06 10:11:22

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In 2019, when Britain’s Labour Party pledged to review the country’s legacy of colonialism, Nigel Farage, then the leader of the Brexit Party (now Reform UK), warned Britons against obsessing “about the past.”
“It was a different world, a different time,” he said.
Months later, as Black Lives Matter protests swept across the Atlantic and amid calls for a reevaluation of revered historical figures with records of racism,
then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson echoed this view. <…
2024-06-05 10:20:28

FT Ventures buys a minority stake in Toronto-based news company The Logic, launched in 2018; the FT's media consulting arm will help with subscriptions and more (Monique Mulima/Bloomberg)…
2024-05-06 08:30:33

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2024-05-06 08:03:47

Wie geht es mit der #Stadtbahn weiter? - Abschnitt 3 war letzte Woche im Ortsbeirat-Mitte. Diesen Mittwoch geht dann unsere Vorzugslösung für den Abschnitt 4 von Dreiecksplatz bis Universität in den Ortsbeirat Ravensberg/Brunswik/Düsternbrook.
Danach wird der Ratsbeschluss noch in diesem Jahr angestrebt.

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2024-05-05 14:08:06

Series D, Episode 01 - Rescue
AVON: [Laughs] What did you do in your spare time?
[Interior. Xenon base. A spiral staircase. Dayna and Tarrant are making their way down the stairs.] 📺 B7B6
2024-04-06 10:45:32

Was zwingt Leute im ländlichen Raum ins Auto und wie kann die Autoabhängigkeit auf dem Land reduziert werden.
Die @… Doku schafft Persoektivwechsel auf die Mobilität im ländlichen Frätow in MV, am Stadtrand von Großstädten und pragmatische Lösungsansätze aus dem Schwarzwald.
2024-03-06 10:06:47

Series D, Episode 08 - Games
GAMBIT: Panels locked in. [Belkov laughs - screen goes blank as Gambit begins self- destruction sequence.]
[Shot of Belkov's spacecraft, then Scorpio - the crew reel from the shockwaves on an explosion.] 📺 B7B3