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2024-05-03 19:59:22

2024-03-30 08:35:43

Hinter dem Thema „Autonomes Fahren“ stecken wirtschaftlich und juristisch wirksame Anreize für Wirtschaft, Regierung und Wissenschaft.
Das Projekt #INITIATIVE zum Beispiel stellt die Frage, wie - auch heute schon - alltägliche Konfliktsituationen zwischen automatisiertem Autoverkehr und Menschen drum herum sicher und mit Akzeptanz aller Beteiligten gelöst werden können. Eine Fragestellung…

Die Grafik zeigt ein Auto das wie beim Ein- oder Ausparken quer in einer Parklücke steht. Das Auto ist von einer Sphäre umgeben an dessenan dessen Rand auf der Fahnden ein Fahrrad gefahren wird.
2024-03-28 17:59:34

Secret papers reveal Post Office knew its court defence was false - #BBC
'The Post Office said it would be "inappropriate" to comment.'

Photo: Joan Bailey, whose branch is mentioned in the report, said its contents made her "very angry"
A draft report uncovered by the BBC shows the Post Office spent £100m fighting sub-postmasters in court despite knowing its defence was untrue.

Begin of article:
The document reveals the Post Office was shown evidence by 2017 that losses could be due to errors in the Horizon IT system or remote tampering.

But it kept arguing in the Bates v Post Office Ltd case that theft or mistakes by sub-pos…
2024-05-01 07:22:38

Investigating the dissemination of STEM content on social media with computational tools
Oluwamayokun Oshinowo, Priscila Delgado, Meredith Fay, C. Alessandra Luna, Anjana Dissanayaka, Rebecca Jeltuhin, David R. Myers
2024-03-27 21:45:07

20 Tage in Mariopol
2024-03-28 17:59:34

Secret papers reveal Post Office knew its court defence was false - #BBC
'The Post Office said it would be "inappropriate" to comment.'

Photo: Joan Bailey, whose branch is mentioned in the report, said its contents made her "very angry"
A draft report uncovered by the BBC shows the Post Office spent £100m fighting sub-postmasters in court despite knowing its defence was untrue.

Begin of article:
The document reveals the Post Office was shown evidence by 2017 that losses could be due to errors in the Horizon IT system or remote tampering.

But it kept arguing in the Bates v Post Office Ltd case that theft or mistakes by sub-pos…
2024-04-30 07:19:37

Utilizing Large Language Models to Identify Reddit Users Considering Vaping Cessation for Digital Interventions
Sai Krishna Revanth Vuruma, Dezhi Wu, Saborny Sen Gupta, Lucas Aust, Valerie Lookingbill, Caleb Henry, Yang Ren, Erin Kasson, Li-Shiun Chen, Patricia Cavazos-Rehg, Dian Hu, Ming Huang…
2024-04-29 06:51:15

The Inefficiency of Genetic Programming for Symbolic Regression -- Extended Version
Gabriel Kronberger, Fabricio Olivetti de Franca, Harry Desmond, Deaglan J. Bartlett, Lukas Kammerer
2024-03-09 03:24:18

So I was recording some soundtrack elements for a series I'm working on, and as soon as I stop the recording Logic out of nowhere just loops the newly recorded region indefinitely. Like WTF is this?
Thankfully found a video that explained this behavior, which is on by default, and not documented in the help menu.

Recording of the logic Pro screen where the behavior of the loop checkbox in the region sub menu is illustrated
2024-04-12 20:23:48

NIST and Web3 Security – A Developing Perspective
The National Institute for Standards and Technology just released an initial draft of “A Security Perspective on the Web3 Paradigm” as document IR 8475. It is not long and it is a great take on how NIST is thinking about Web3 security. Here is the link:
#Web3 #NIST #Security #InfoSec #BlockChain #IPFS