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2024-04-02 17:48:53

Looking up Markdown syntax. Finding and how to use it on Movable Type and Blosxom!
Blosxom was my first blogging software!! Those were the days ... I could never make any changes to the software, it was too Perl even for me.…
2024-04-03 15:05:14

Quick note while I am thinking about it. I was unhappy with Publii for a while because I couldn't get it to sync with github.
That has been fixed and I redid the authorization in my Github account and it works beautifully.
I prefer Publii because it is local markdown files and I can copy them over to Obsidian.
I have converted my old WP site to markdown and will publish it through Publii as well.
2024-05-01 13:05:10

Use the #Composer Diff Plugin to compare composer.lock changes and generate a Markdown report that can be used in a PR description to visualize the changes.
2024-05-03 07:13:51

People using #Obsidian (and similar) don't even understand when I'm writing about #lockin situations.
If those services could be easily replaced by any Markdown edtor and a decent sync mechanism, why are they using those services in the first place? 🤷
I'm going to blog about that to…
2024-03-03 00:26:54

Looking at non-WordPress options for a professional website. Which CMS do you suggest? I'm looking for user-friendliness (I never want to touch the WordPress Block Editor again) and excellent #accessibility. All recommendations welcome so long as they involve a minimum of handwritten code/markdown (no static sight generators, please)!
2024-03-13 20:18:56

New in Kitten¹: Markdown fragments
You can now write your Markdown in separate files and `import()` them as if they were JavaScript modules, just like you can with HTML and CSS fragments.
And while they don’t support props, they do support slots (including named slots, which you can use as poor man’s props.)
:kitten: 💕

Screenshot of code open in Helix Editor (active tab:, inactive tabs:,,

import Markup from './Markup.fragment.html'
import Styles from './Styles.fragment.css'
import Markdown from './'

export default () => kitten.html
  <page css>
  <${Markup} />

    <content for='title'>This is the title</content>
    <content for='date'>${new Date()}</content>
    <button>I’ve been slotted in.</but…
Screenshot of code for

## And this is from a markdown file

As is this.

- Title: __${SLOT.title}__
- Date: __${}__


And the content above was slotted into a markdown file.
Screenshot of code for Markup.fragment.html:

  <h1>This is from an HTML fragment.</h1>
  <p>As is this.</p>
Screenshot of the resulting page, rendered in a web browser:

H1: This is from an HTML fragment.

Paragraph: As is this.

H2: And this is from a markdown file

Paragraph: As is this.

List item: Title: This is the title

List item: Date: Wed Mar 13 2024 20:07:03 GMT+0000 (Greenwich Mean Time)

Button: I’ve been slotted in.

Paragraph: And the content above was slotted into a markdown file.
2024-04-02 21:13:01

@… Como vc o usa para fazer textos, estilo libreoffice?
Achei isso interessante. Eu uso muito Markdown, mas não sou "programador", então nunca tentei desafiar o Emacs. Mas entendo que ele tem um montão de possibilidades.
Queria saber se e como esse programa pode quebrar um galhão nas Humanas. Por enquanto, meu programa do coração é o
2024-03-03 00:26:54

Looking at non-WordPress options for a professional website. Which CMS do you suggest? I'm looking for user-friendliness (I never want to touch the WordPress Block Editor again) and excellent #accessibility. All recommendations welcome so long as they involve a minimum of handwritten code/markdown (no static sight generators, please)!
2024-04-02 21:13:01

@… Como vc o usa para fazer textos, estilo libreoffice?
Achei isso interessante. Eu uso muito Markdown, mas não sou "programador", então nunca tentei desafiar o Emacs. Mas entendo que ele tem um montão de possibilidades.
Queria saber se e como esse programa pode quebrar um galhão nas Humanas. Por enquanto, meu programa do coração é o
2024-02-23 15:48:19

In case you’re using Node’s `` directly instead of using a library*, take heed that it doesn’t give you atomic events for file changes.
If a file is being saved, you’ll get one event for every time a chunk is written to the file system. So you have to debounce your event handler.