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2024-03-08 23:49:58

👊 The End of the Future
2024-03-12 04:06:02

Ha! :)
"What if, in this period of the over-production of printed matter and the proliferation of methods of quick reading, they were intended to speed the reader across a sentence in such a way that he can salute a readymade idea effortlessly in passing, without suspecting that real thought demands a descent into the materiality of language and a consent to time itself in the form of the sentence?" -- Fredric Jameson, Marxism and Form
2024-04-02 09:34:25

Reading one of those monographs that, though close to my interests in terms of subject, period and, indeed, politics, I desperately want to chuck across the room. Whether it's Marxism, liberalism, or nationalism, a methodology aimed primarily at upholding (even in a modified form) a given ideology isn't history. I don't care how many footnotes* you have.
*In this particular book, as is often the case, the vast majority of references are to studies, most often theoretical, n…
2024-03-12 04:06:02

Ha! :)
"What if, in this period of the over-production of printed matter and the proliferation of methods of quick reading, they were intended to speed the reader across a sentence in such a way that he can salute a readymade idea effortlessly in passing, without suspecting that real thought demands a descent into the materiality of language and a consent to time itself in the form of the sentence?" -- Fredric Jameson, Marxism and Form