ESA has released this Timelapse of BepiColombo's sixth Mercury flyby
Gestern wurden zwei SPD-Wahlkämpfer von verirrten Nazis zusammengeprügelt. Die Schlägertypen wollten wohl zur Demo?
Hatten die Lichtenberg mit Lichterfelde verwechselt? Dummheit macht leider nicht weniger gefährlich.
[ September 4, 2025 - September 6, 2025] Conference or similar: The British Society for the Philosophy of Religion, 2025 Biennial Conference: Creativity and Creation
Went to Marfa to celebrate our 25th anniversary. Photos are Bitter Sugar coffee, Motel, a lit firebird hood in our room, and the bathtub. Visited friend Chris at Sticks & Bones, had an amazing sandwich at Bordo, ate at Margaret’s and LaVenture. Quick stop at Chinati Foundation as it was closing. My first trip to West Texas, I’d only gone East and North before. Texas is really big. #marfa #texas #roadtrip #bittersugar #sticksandbones
This year’s public lecture series at #mpsgoettingen will be devoted to #Earth and its cosmic next of kin: the inner #planets