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2024-04-23 13:58:49

Stay Woke
2024-05-22 17:18:44

Been meaning to do this every Wednesday for at least all of 2024 and now I'm finally free.
2024-04-23 18:48:19

ITL on SB538 passes 9-8, with Rep. Yokela joining the Dems, and Rep. Maggiore having stepped out, meaning that the ITL motion will need to get overturned on the floor if the bill is to pass... darn
2024-03-23 18:40:52

British people say someone is "gormless", meaning silly or stupid. So I wondered, what is a gorm? Google says: it's from the Norwegian word gaumr meaning "care, attention, sense". This is an example of an "orphaned negative"; here are some more of those:
2024-03-23 02:13:15

Two sunspot regions (AR 3614 and 3615) just produced solar #flares at the same time: - the collective X1.1 X-Ray event peaked at 01:33 UTC (Mar 23). The event around AR 3614 appears to be the brighter of the two and coronal dimming is clearly evident meaning a coronal mass ejection (CME)
2024-05-23 07:20:55

Alito’s second flag: He must be impeached
2024-04-23 08:42:15

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-03-23 11:47:11

🧬 Understanding the wiring of the human genome
2024-04-23 03:48:14

Babel (2022) by R. F. Kuang is a historical fantasy set in the British Empire in the 1830s. Robin is a Chinese/English boy raised in Canton and brought to Oxford by his unacknowledged father to study Translation.
In this world, translation has literal magic. When a Translator inscribes a word with its translation on a silver bar, the meaning that's lost in translation becomes a force that can alter reality. One Chinese/English spell in the book can make things invisible. 1/
2024-05-22 07:49:02


A bellwether sheep, with a bell around its neck

The term derives from the Middle English belle-weder, which referred to the practice of placing a bell around the neck of the lead wether (the male sheep). A shepherd could then note the movements of the animals by hearing the bell, even when the flock was not in sight.[3]

The word was first used in the above meaning in the 15th century.[3]
2024-05-23 10:56:01

Netter angloamerikanischer Jugend-Slogan der fast besser nach Deutschland passt:
**‘Fax, No Printer’**
Inhaltlich ist das ein Wortspiel auf _Facts!_ und ein Appell an das Gegenüber, nur mit der Wahrheit rauszurücken…
2024-04-21 00:47:15

girl who uses "asexual" in exactly the same way and meaning as "agender"; to mean that traditional notions of sexuality do not apply, and the spectrum you might be imagining is irrelevant
2024-04-22 17:57:23

Sheer force of will, and spending power, will make Apple TV a real concern.
“The value of the deal might be as little as a quarter of the $4 billion #FIFA had first estimated, the people said. It is unclear if the deal with #Apple will include any free-to-air rights, meaning the entire event could be av…
2024-05-21 09:28:18

Preface: in Polish, the word "ksiądz", meaning a priest, is also customarily used as a way of addressing men of cloth — and they sometimes actually expect being addressed like that. It woulde be a bit like saying "priest, sir" in English.
How to be anticlerical, without actually being formally disrespectful (which, in my opinion, is actually annoying people more than being openly disrespectful)?
Address the clergy as "mr"/"sir", when they expect the dedicated formal address. Answer religious greetings and farewells with strong plain "good morning" and "good bye". You can add a meaningful look and meaningful silence too.
2024-04-23 18:48:19

ITL on SB538 passes 9-8, with Rep. Yokela joining the Dems, and Rep. Maggiore having stepped out, meaning that the ITL motion will need to get overturned on the floor if the bill is to pass... darn
2024-04-22 07:02:58

Towards a decentralized data privacy protocol for self-sovereignty in the digital world
Rodrigo Falc\~ao, Arghavan Hosseinzadeh
2024-04-22 07:08:33

The Length and the Width of the Human Brain Circuit Connections are Strongly Correlated
D\'aniel Heged\H{u}s, Vince Grolmusz
2024-04-23 09:00:27

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-05-20 13:08:10

A sentence that helped me a lot this week is „that’s not my beer“, the German idiom meaning, „I accept I’m not responsible for this.“ So I built myself a reminder, lest I forget the sentence.
Edit: I reprinted it to correct the text to “Ceci n'est ma bière”

A gold frame containing an image of a mostly empty glass of beer. Below: Ceci n‘est pas mon bière.
2024-04-22 17:57:23

Sheer force of will, and spending power, will make Apple TV a real concern.
“The value of the deal might be as little as a quarter of the $4 billion #FIFA had first estimated, the people said. It is unclear if the deal with #Apple will include any free-to-air rights, meaning the entire event could be av…
2024-06-16 16:00:00

"How the recycling symbol lost its meaning"
#Recycling #Environment
2024-04-20 12:24:33

Artists’ AI dilemma: can artificial intelligence make intelligent art?
2024-04-20 14:28:23

The pushback against Rebel Moon feels very similar to the pushback against Star Wars episodes I through III, to me.
(Meaning the Star Wars Prequels, that is. The original trilogy is episodes IV through VI, of course.)
...And no I will not be accepting any debates on this topic at this time.
[/continues wallowing in blissful ignorance]
2024-06-16 11:54:10

How do we get meaning into a knowledge graph? For this, we need explicit formal semantics based on ontologies. Otherwise, we could only make use of structural or statistical properties of the graph. In lecture 06, we started with the #knowledgegraphs chapter of #ise2024, which will cover the e…

slide prom the knowledge graph lecture of ISE 2024. It depits a graph of 7 nodes, cross connected by edges. The nodes are labeled with arbitrary numbers, as are the edges. We as humans can't make sense of those numbers, as also the machin can't make sense of such labels, even if they would be given in natural language terms. We need formal semantics to convey the meaning of nodes and edges to the computer...
2024-06-18 21:02:07

The meaning of words...
#CalvinAndHobbes #Humour

Calvin to Hobbes, sitting outside with their back on a tree: "I asked Mom if I was a gifted child. ...She said they certainly wouldn't have PAID for me."
2024-05-16 11:55:57

🔗 Searching for meaning in a dream emulator from 1998
#PS1 #PlayStation

A still from LSD: Dream Emulator from 1998. A brick wall with an opening and also a face
A still from LSD: Dream Emulator from 1998. A weird town with a figure
A still from LSD: Dream Emulator from 1998. A 4-directional yellow and purple screen with upper, downer, static and dynamic sections. Like a 4 way yin yang.
A still from LSD: Dream Emulator from 1998. Red and gray almost lava looking area with boxes in the air and faces on the ground
2024-04-20 16:28:15

From DeSmog
Pathways Alliance a marketing and lobbying organization that represents Canada's largest oil sands producers, is up to its old tricks of using Google ads to deflect attention from a long record of misleading climate claims. Google ad records viewed by DeSmog show that the group has been paying to advertise on the search term "Pathways Alliance greenwashing," meaning that when people type that phrase into Google, one of the first results that appears is the Pat…
2024-04-19 00:37:56

#ChatGPT is useless for me. I've been trying to use it for Web search where I'm not certain how to express what I want to look for in some easy search terms. But it doesn't get what I'm saying either. The words match, but the meaning does not.
2024-06-18 15:25:22

The videos from Making Meaning 2024: Collections as Data are now online! I particularly recommend Robert McLellan's keynote (and probably particularly if you're heading to Australia for @… 's Fantastic Futures 2024) and the lightning talks - the future is bright!
2024-06-16 20:46:11

On words and politics:
The most powerful threat to the right is an alliance between liberals, policy/democracy activists (progressives, the original meaning), and workers.
The Murdoch press (WSJ and Fox), and manipulated social media, has fought to redefine “progressive,”
2024-04-17 19:46:24

Well-meaning relative sees a facebook post about a lost greyhound on the loose
…shares it to a greyhound facebook group
…tags me in their post
…asks me if I am a member of that group and have I seen their share
It is a group I (help) run.
2024-04-29 13:25:31

Two AI and Humanities hybrid events upcoming in Umeå!
1. Friday May 10th, 12:15-13:00 - Philosopher Jessica Pepp on "Is LLM Meaning an illusion?"

Lindsey Graham vows to block supreme court ethics bill
Lindsey Graham, the top-ranking Republican on the Senate judiciary committee, said that he will block Democrats’ attempts to pass an ethics bill to rein in the US supreme court.
Graham told NBC News that he “will object” to the bill on Wednesday, meaning it will not move forward on its legislative journey.
The Senate judiciary committee chairman, Dick Durbin, from Illinois, told reporters that Senate Democrats were work…
2024-06-18 10:21:01

“You cannot expect one-hundred-perdent hospitality anywhere at all. That is precisely the meaning of liberation or freedom: freedom from both the loneliness in the hospitality of the world. With that freedom, you begin to find a new strength, a new dimension. You do not have to lean to the right or to the left anymore, but you could stand on your own two feet, or one foot, whatever you possess. The ability to do that comes completely out of practice.” Chögyam Trungpa
2024-05-16 23:08:23

I have gotten the @… app icon tattooed on me as of today!
This tattoo has meaning, which I'll explain.
Nova, as my job, changed my life in numerous ways since I started working for the app and my boss 8 1/2 years ago. It's allowed me to do so many things I thought I'd never get to do plus it's allowed myself and my wife …

A photo of the Nova Launcher Android app logo that I got tattooed on my left arm today.
2024-05-18 00:58:00

Time For 9 o'clock #HashTagGames hosted by @…
Let's play!
How to play: Write something awesome, Use the HashTag, Toot/Post and Repeat!
Hint: Use lyrics, titles, band names. ...anything, you can't be wrong. Use the entire song or just a phrase, or a line or two. Share the real secret meaning or make up something (it's a game, afterall.)
2024-06-17 07:29:03

Physical meaning of non-extensive term in Massieu functions
Miguel Hoyuelos, Mat\'ias A. Di Muro, Patricia Gim\'enez
2024-04-19 08:29:36

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-04-20 12:24:33

Artists’ AI dilemma: can artificial intelligence make intelligent art?
2024-06-16 11:54:10

How do we get meaning into a knowledge graph? For this, we need explicit formal semantics based on ontologies. Otherwise, we could only make use of structural or statistical properties of the graph. In lecture 06, we started with the #knowledgegraphs chapter of #ise2024, which will cover the e…

slide prom the knowledge graph lecture of ISE 2024. It depits a graph of 7 nodes, cross connected by edges. The nodes are labeled with arbitrary numbers, as are the edges. We as humans can't make sense of those numbers, as also the machin can't make sense of such labels, even if they would be given in natural language terms. We need formal semantics to convey the meaning of nodes and edges to the computer...
2024-04-13 10:00:08

Throwback to #OTD April 13th 2020 where I got bored during the pandemic and discovered that police comms in San Jose aren't encrypted by any means

A video of me listening to the radio through an SDR (*Software Defined Radio*) meaning a cheap antenna that can be plugged into my Laptop via USB where I can digitally switch from station to station with a radio wave visualizer
2024-06-13 11:51:15

Apple has "sherlocked" a number of stand-alone apps, including password apps, meaning that it has incorporated into iOS the same thing that those apps do.

2024-06-14 17:45:31

@… Interesting! And that board looks great. I will give it a go. I’ve been meaning to get more into FreeCAD
2024-04-18 17:43:05

How stuff is made. Fascinating. 🖖
2024-05-14 21:00:28

Has anybody any details regarding the training of #gpt4o ? I'm intrigued by this sentence in the #openai blog and would love to know more about it:
"With GPT-4o, we trained a single new model end-to-end across text, vision, and audio, meaning that all inputs and outputs are processed…
2024-06-13 20:57:13

Sigh. Again, against my best judgement, I got into a dispute about a math article in Wikipedia ("Eigenvalues and eigenvectors").
Wkipedia, especially the math articles, is being trashed by an army of well-meaning but misguided editors who think that every article should be made accessible to absolutely everyone, regardless of their level of knowledge -- even if that requires making it grossly incorrect and incomplete. 🧵‍>
2024-06-18 07:15:00

An Internal Model Principle For Robots
Vadim K. Weinstein, Tamara Alshammari, Kalle G. Timperi, Mehdi Bennis, Steven M. LaValle
2024-06-16 20:46:11

On words and politics:
The most powerful threat to the right is an alliance between liberals, policy/democracy activists (progressives, the original meaning), and workers.
The Murdoch press (WSJ and Fox), and manipulated social media, has fought to redefine “progressive,”
2024-06-13 07:39:59

Raising some very interesting questions about the world of Open Source
contributions and its connection with anonymity/pseudonymity:
Armin Ronacher: "Skin in the Game"
2024-05-27 12:37:06

Some personal #lreccoling2024 highlights:
"Lexicalized Meaning Representation (LMR)" by Jorge Baptista et al. (DMR workshop): a representation that retains compatibility with AMR while anchored to the (more observable) syntactic form of an utterance.
2024-06-18 17:11:40

Raiders HC sends warning to young running back
2024-05-16 06:57:33

LLMs are Meaning-Typed Code Constructs
Jason Mars, Yiping Kang, Jayanaka Dantanarayana, Chandra Irugalbandara, Kugesan Sivasothynathan, Lingjia Tang
2024-05-03 10:05:42

Quick reminder about this event coming up next Friday. For those unlucky enough not to be in Umeå then, you can also join online!
*Is LLM Meaning an illusion?* by philosopher Jessica Pepp
Info here:
2024-04-14 19:26:06

"Cooper Pairs vol.2"
2024-05-10 19:16:39

What's the old adage? "Every program attempts to expand until it can read mail..."
Well, the new one is "Every app will add AI and you'll accidentally trigger it without meaning to!"
Also, there's no way to disable this shit. I use a web-based app and it has a "Press 'space' for AI" every time I click to type my own text.

An AI bullshit screen in the Facebook Messenger app. Fuck this shit!
2024-06-17 15:27:55

Not sure that they are licensed anywhere, meaning you have no recourse if one does you harm #ActuallyAutistc @…
Utah Life Coaches Aren’t Licensed. Should They Be Regulated? — ProPublica
2024-04-06 14:37:18

Every fucking talk is just
- "find meaning" which means fun
- then you can "collaborate with brands" (as in be hired to do ads)
- then you get rich
2024-04-19 06:55:56

Packing measure of the linear Gauss system
Rafa{\l} Tryniecki
2024-06-08 18:46:03

The hype around AI gives me a bad taste. I miss the good when it was called ML (Machine Learning)
There is certainly good usecases for it, but I am not comfortable with the AI-washing that is going on.
No, I dont need an "AI powered device" (meaning API-calls to openai). Sad that "AI" has been reduced to glorified search engines and chatbots, throwing decades of research and work away that has been made on neural networks.
2024-06-15 19:09:58

Is PS2 the peak of console machines?
Meaning in game production, storytelling, etc.
For me yes!
#ps2 #videogames #sony
2024-04-11 06:52:18

“anyone over 40-ish uses it in the first sense, and anyone under 40-ish uses it in the second sense..."
How interesting. I’m over 40 but I’ve always used it in the second sense. I’d never heard it defined in the first sense before. Anyone else?
2024-05-10 14:56:14

When did the word “performative” acquire its current disapproving meaning, to describe empty words or gestures, done just for show? Merriam-Webster has this as the 2nd of 4 meanings, the 4th being what I considered more significant: words that perform an action, that themselves do something. Like wedding vows—saying those words is how you marry someone. Or, precisely the opposite of meaninglessly or hypocritically “performative.”
2024-05-04 09:35:42

Q&A with Nick Bostrom on his book Deep Utopia: Life and Meaning in a Solved World, which considers a future in which AI solves all of humanity's problems (Will Knight/Wired)
2024-04-19 07:20:16

The sounds of science a symphony for many instruments and voices part II
Gerard t Hooft, William D Phillips, Anton Zeilinger, Roland Allen, Jim Baggott, Francois R Bouchet, Solange M G Cantanhede, Lazaro A M Castanedo, Ana Maria Cetto, Alan A Coley, Bryan J Dalton, Peyman Fahimi, Sharon Franks, Alex Frano, Edward S Fry, Steven Goldfarb, Karlheinz Langanke, Cherif F Matta, Dimitri Nanopoulos, Chad Orzel, Sam Patrick, Viraj A A Sanghai, Ivan K Schuller, Oleg Shpyrko, Suzy Lidstrom
2024-04-12 16:45:00

Funny Polish* word that most Poles don’t realise comes directly from German: wichajster
Pronounced exactly as „wie heißt er”.
Meaning: something. As in. Give me that „thing/something”.
* it actually is a Silesian word.
2024-05-11 12:26:20

“In this magazine, we have long advocated (and will continue to do so) for ideas usually associated with “eastern philosophy;” such as patience, collectivism, meaning, empathy, ethics, and unity. Not in the vague or vacuous sense of “changing the world” or “put a dent in the universe” but in the basic idea of building a new world through ethical, conscious, and quality software.”
2024-06-05 22:47:10

Pokémon X: completed!
The little diversion saw me travelling through fields of flowers and encountering a large number of new pokémon, meaning that I depleted my stocks of all types of pokéballs while travelling through the flora. I also met a couple of trainers with a massive unit of a pokémon. I finally found Wulfric, the eighth gym leader, frolicking in the meadow, and convinced him to return to his responsibilities in the ice world.
2024-04-10 22:06:21 @…

Screenshot of YouTube app:

Watch / Sign up

What Comes After Religion / The School of Life / 666 K views / 9 years ago

Stephen Fry (in The Meaning of Life on RTÉ One)
2024-04-09 05:26:36

Millions of small coffee growers vs. central monitoring from 7000 km away: a classic #commons governance story?…


Operators and traders should be bound by the obligations under this Regulation regardless of whether the making available on the market takes place through traditional or online means. This Regulation should therefore ensure that in every supply chain there is an operator within the meaning of this Regulation who is established in the Union and can be held accountable in the event of non-fulfilment of the obligations under this Regulation. The Commission and the Member States should mon…

Traders should be responsible for collecting and keeping information to ensure the transparency of the supply chain of relevant products which they make available on the market. Non-SME traders have a significant influence on supply chains and play an important role in ensuring that supply chains are deforestation-free. They should therefore have the same obligations as operators, take responsibility for the compliance of the relevant products with this Regulation and ensure, prior to m…
Fairtrade and Satelligence have launched a new partnership to ramp up satellite monitoring of forested areas and farms to all certified coffee and cocoa and producer organisations globally.

The initiative aims to connect Fairtrade cooperatives with data on their members’ farms and their deforestation risks, so the cooperatives can share the data with commercial partners and better manage forest landscapes.

“This partnership focuses on an increasingly important area of trade: access to risk ma…

But Regis Meritan strongly assuaged the fears of cocoa farmers, in both Ghana and Ivory Coast, of any adverse impact of the EUDR on their livelihoods.

"I do not think that the regulation on deforestation will have a major impact on your ability to continue to sell your cocoa and your cocoa to be imported into Europe," Dr Meritan assured.

"I am not talking about 100 per cent of your production, but I think we are talking about 98 per cent of your production or 95 [per cent] I will be probably…
2024-05-15 16:44:29

Dallas Cowboys Coach Issues Blunt Response To CeeDee Lamb’s Absence
2024-04-11 00:06:13

Today's trivia: "bloviate" is a made up word, coined in 1857, midwest US
2024-04-02 13:57:46
Content warning: :
What does the Unicode character set in NEGATIVE SQUARED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P meaning NEGATIVE SQUARED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W and NEGATIVE SQUARED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D ; more info ; can you write essay for school "of advancing the ball by throwing it"word (synonym) ; ai triangle for ; Thank
2024-04-09 10:49:56

TIL: a new word - contumelious, meaning scornful and insulting. I'm thinking Tribunal Deputy President Richard Grueber is now part of the art work.
MONA ordered to allow men into ‘Ladies Lounge’ after discrimination complaint - Pulse Tasmania
2024-05-09 15:19:15

TIL. The word "picayune", a synonym for "trivial". 🌈
"Picayune is an obsolete term for a coin of small value. Its meaning has been extended to the figurative sense of "trivial" or "of little value"."<…
2024-05-12 06:14:31

I hope people look at this and realize that licenses will not protect them; they will only ever protect capital in the long run
2024-05-14 21:00:28

Has anybody any details regarding the training of #gpt4o ? I'm intrigued by this sentence in the #openai blog and would love to know more about it:
"With GPT-4o, we trained a single new model end-to-end across text, vision, and audio, meaning that all inputs and outputs are processed…
2024-05-27 12:37:06

Some personal #lreccoling2024 highlights:
"Lexicalized Meaning Representation (LMR)" by Jorge Baptista et al. (DMR workshop): a representation that retains compatibility with AMR while anchored to the (more observable) syntactic form of an utterance.
2024-04-19 07:02:49

An analogue of non-interacting quantum field theory in Riemannian signature
Mikhail Molodyk, Andr\'as Vasy

When Patrick Bringley’s beloved older brother fell ill with cancer,
he found that he no longer had much appetite for his ritzy job in the events department of the New Yorker.
Life then was about hospital rooms and love and “all the very basic things” in this world;
there seemed no meaning in hanging his jacket over his desk chair every morning.
But what to do instead?
In 2008, Tom died, and all Patrick knew was that he needed the kind of work that would not r…
2024-04-14 19:26:06

"Cooper Pairs vol.2"
2024-04-10 14:35:33

It seems I have ghosts 👻 that used to be trolls 🧌in my timeline, meaning I can't see them or hear their ghastly gargles anymore because I blocked 🚫 them. Thank goodness.🕊
I only know they are still there because I see your toots 📣 arguing with them.
2024-04-13 19:05:59

Lovely message from Basil's humans (used with permission as a testimonial). Harder work than a greyhound but a good experience. 😀

A screenshot of a message from a chat app reading:

Hey Andy hope you're doing well! Have been meaning to drop you a message but have been busy since being back. Thank you again for looking after Basil on our holiday! He's obviously been well taken care of and we really appreciated the peace of mind. Hope to ask for your help again in the future :)
head-on photo of the head and front legs of a tand and white Shiba Inu dog staring at the photographer from a sofa with jaws open and ears at attention.
Photo of a Shiba Inu dog laying on a cream sofa resting his head on the knee of a human. He's staring at the human who is working on a laptop.
Photo of a Shiba Inu dog sat on a large boulder in a parkland setting. He glances off to the left with his eyues shut against the sun.
2024-06-12 17:11:58

“The military operation in Gaza has altered the shape, perhaps even the meaning, of the struggle over Palestine – it seems misleading, and even offensive, to refer to a ‘conflict’ between two peoples after one of them has slaughtered the other in such staggering numbers.”…
2024-05-12 06:14:31

I hope people look at this and realize that licenses will not protect them; they will only ever protect capital in the long run
2024-04-08 06:48:12

Willkommens-Merkel, Chaos-Johnson, and Tore-Klose: Modeling the Evaluative Meaning of German Personal Name Compounds
Annerose Eichel, Tana Deeg, Andr\'e Blessing, Milena Belosevic, Sabine Arndt-Lappe, Sabine Schulte im Walde
2024-04-15 15:19:26

More on the case against Mckesson:
Supreme Court allows police officer’s suit to move forward against Black Lives Matter leader | The Hill
2024-06-12 13:50:40
Content warning:  

Well, no. The <p> element is below the second <div>.
Defined z-index creates a z-scale stack for all it's children. Meaning, it behaves like rubber. Expanding internally, never going beyond.
What does it mean for me?
If I didn't misunderstand it like I did two days ago, it means my whole redesign of z-index system in my design system is doomed to another attempt. I just wasted one day by being a derp.
Feels like noob again after 13 years…
2024-05-03 07:08:33

Qualia and the Formal Structure of Meaning
Xerxes D. Arsiwalla
2024-06-10 04:56:21

People in Poland keep being "surprised" by left wing parties losing elections here, but really, what could you expect? You just have to listen to how my parents' generation thinks, and I suppose many youngsters believe the same story.
Of course, left wing politicians are "commies". And communism is the synonym of evil incarnate (it doesn't really matter that their primary problem was actually capitalism, the way People's Republic of Poland did it). "Commies" took away their freedom — "freedom" meaning the access to limitless consumption of wares of the great "western" culture.
So Tusk (the leader of the more liberal right wing party) is seen as the only "real" alternative to Kaczyński (the leader of PiS, the other big right wing party). That said, PiS is bad not because they're nazis. They're bad because they are "thieves" (but Tusk's thievery is fine, after all "every politician is a thief"), because they don't uphold democracy (when Tusk did it, it was fine, because they had to "restore order" after PiS's defeat) and most importantly, because they "give money away to people", and the country "is broke" as a result. You can't help people that way! The only people you should help are entrepreneurs, and that's going to solve all the problems. People just need to "move their asses" and start working.
And of course, these awful left wing politicians want to take their freedom. Saving the planet? Naah, they won't live long enough to suffer the worst (they're going to find a nasty surprise, or perhaps not, because they're not going to see through their illusion), so why should they give up on anything. They've "earned" everything they've got. And their grandchildren? They don't need clean air or water, they just need more toys and sweets.
And their bubble is always right. They have their new god to confirm that, their previous TV. The national TV, serving right wing propaganda, and private TV, serving capitalist propaganda. But it's all truth, because private TV obviously doesn't serve interests of a specific party. Besides, nobody would be watching news broadcasts full of lies! They'd lose viewers, and therefore money. Ergo, it all must be true.
Finally, all that's evil is the fault of immigrants, nonbinary people, people of different religion, skin color, culture, people who "are too lazy to work". There's always a better suspect than the white, cis, hetero, Catholic, truly polish bourgeois.

American cows now have bird flu.
But it’s time for planning – not panic
Since being identified in late March this year (meaning it was spreading for months among cattle unnoticed),
the virus has been confirmed in 33 herds in eight states.
Given how infectious H5N1 is
(the R number can be as high as 100 among birds
– meaning each infected bird could infect 100 others
– and is still unknown for cows),
and the fact cows are asymptomatic or hav…
2024-06-11 21:27:09

Rick Wilson (via e-mail list): 'A well-meaning Republican friend recently asked me why Biden would be better than Trump. He voted for Trump in 2016 and (in his words, “very reluctantly') in 2020. I could tell he was looking for something, anything to hold on to in making a stand against Trump.

Text of a letter from Rick Wilson to a Republican friend about voting for Trump in 2024:  


I think the simplest question is this: what will you tell your kids?

I know the economy is the thing for you, but brother, you’re rich, and always will be, even if your marginal tax rate goes up by a percentage point or two. It’s not — and shouldn’t be, anyway — about the money. There’s no argument the REDACTED sector is booming, and if you’re not having a record year under Marxist Commu…
2024-06-08 14:12:28

Besides Wittgenstein, we also quote linguist John Rupert Firth (1890–1960) with "You shall know a word by the company it keeps!" when introducing the principles of distributional semantics as the foundation for word embeddings and large language models.
J.R. Firth (1957), A synopsis of linguistic theory, Studies in linguistic analysis, Blackwell, Oxford:

J.R. Firth as imagined by midjourney, quoting "You shall know a word by the company it keeps" supported by Wittgenstein's quote "The meaning of a word is its use in the language" as for distributional semantics.
2024-03-26 17:42:54

So, yes! to DEI, etc.,: "Scientists at CANDLE have discovered that adolescents who grapple with the bigger meaning of social situations experience greater brain growth, which predicts stronger identity development and life satisfaction years later."
Scientists Discover That “Transcendent” Thinking May Grow Teens’ Brains