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2024-04-06 16:20:16
Content warning: Pizza / Food

Making pizza in the most me possible way. The Casio and Skmei are doing timing for the two ovens and yes the cutter is a unicycle.

Vegetable pizza, two digital watches and a pizza cutter that looks like a monkey on a unicycle
2024-03-06 20:46:50

TIL what the word “polyfill” means in a (web) development context and I swear it is the worst jargon ever. Call it API emulation if you like descriptive terms, or a ‘shim’ if you like older well-entrenched jargon.
For me, “polyfill’ is what cheap ‘puffy’ winter coats are stuffed with rather than the more expensive and functional down. How that relates to making every web browser act like a superset of all of them is beyond me.
2024-04-06 19:42:32

Hace 40 años, un niño de 11 se maravillaba por la emoción de todo su pueblo al conquistar la Copa.
Hoy, ese niño vuelve a su Catedral para intentar volver a vivir ese momento. Y se gane o se pierda dentro de dos horas, lo estš viviendo igual.
Porque ha cambiado todo desde entonces. Todo, menos el sentimiento.

Foto de San Mamés desde lejos, lleno de gente vestida de rojiblanco, iluminado con los mismos colores
2024-04-06 16:33:50

Musste bei dem Video von Sabine Hossenfelder, deren "no bullshit"-Haltung ich sehr mag, gerade an "What is real?" von Adam Becker ( denken. Das fand ich sehr spannend und anregend.
2024-06-06 03:45:09

Herman Hollerith (1860-­1929),
Columbia Univer­sity School of Mines EM 1879,
Columbia Univer­sity PhD 1890.
Herman Hollerith is widely regarded as the father of modern automatic computation. He chose the punched card as the basis for storing and processing information and he built the first punched-card tabulating and sorting machines as well as the first key punch, and he founded the company that was to become IBM. Hollerith's designs dominated the computing landscape fo…
2024-03-06 07:35:41

Behavior Generation with Latent Actions
Seungjae Lee, Yibin Wang, Haritheja Etukuru, H. Jin Kim, Nur Muhammad Mahi Shafiullah, Lerrel Pinto
2024-04-04 23:27:46

Populous: the Beginning: an enforced restart
The best game ever? I have often wondered if that was just nostalgia talking, with the game's sublime mix of action and strategy existing only in my memory. I've been without a means to play Populous: the beginning for some time now, but a recent promotion let me rebuy it for £2.50 with various patches to allow it to play on modern machines.
2024-06-05 07:22:48

Imputation of Missing Photometric Data and Photometric Redshift Estimation for CSST
Zhijian Luo, Zhirui Tang, Zhu Chen, Liping Fu, Wei Du, Shaohua Zhang, Yan Gong, Chenggang Shu, Junhao Lu, Yicheng Li, Xian-Min Meng, Xingchen Zhou, Zuhui Fan
2024-04-04 19:53:01

“The iPhone maker also has developed an advanced table-top home device that uses robotics to move a display around, they said.”
Source: “Apple Explores Home Robotics as Potential ‘Next Big Thing’ After Car Fizzles”…

iMac G4 ad featuring a person making faces at the computer through a shop window, and the computer moving its monitor around to mimic them.
2024-06-05 07:26:12

FusionDTI: Fine-grained Binding Discovery with Token-level Fusion for Drug-Target Interaction
Zhaohan Meng, Zaiqiao Meng, Iadh Ounis