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2024-03-30 21:05:38

i’m sure i’m not the first to make this but i haven’t seen one yet.

The “All modern digital infrastructure” XKCD comic, where all of the infrastructure (represented by a lot of blocks) is held up by a single tiny block, but in this version the single tiny block is labeled “xz”
2024-03-24 17:08:27

2024-02-28 14:34:40

A reminder that Postel's Law only applies to things you control.
It's that YOU should be conservative in what you send and liberal in what you accept. You can't use it to say "The other end should be liberal in what they accept so I don't have to be conservative in what I send".
Everyone ought to follow it! But when they don't, you need to be conservative in what you send.
2024-02-23 03:02:53

Imam Shamil was a widely revered Sufi imam and celebrated tribal leader of the free mountain peoples of Dagestan who heroically fought off Russian Imperial conquest of the region for decades, until they lured him out with promises of peace, and forced him into exile.
2024-02-26 21:52:08

@… re the tty issue: "peripherally aware", eh
2024-04-25 14:45:10

happy light jacket day!!!

A meme from the movie Miss Congeniality where William Shatner, as the beauty contest host, says to Sandra Bullock,  “describe your perfect date”, and she replies “that’s a tough one. I’d have to say April 25 because it’s not too hot and not too cold. All you need is a light jacket.”
2024-04-25 16:41:59

last night at the bar above khao san road in toronto, when the “chips and thai dip” arrive at the table:
me: oh rats, those are shrimp chips, i can’t eat those
coworker: i mean they’re not shrimp anymore. former shrimp.
me: they retain their essence
coworker: their shrimpness. their shrimphood.

so you don’t want any?
me: they’re bugs.
2024-02-23 14:11:49

we were discussing database autoincrement ID exhaustion at work and I made a may-may

the "IQ curve" meme, where the happy low-IQ dude is labeled "doesn't worry about running out of auto increment IDs", the stressed out normal IQ dude is labeled "worries about running out of auto increment IDs", and the wizardly high IQ dude is labeled "doesn't worry about running out of auto increment IDs" again
2024-03-24 21:47:36

i have one popular toot making the rounds (again, oddly enough, it was from October), and most people just favourite or boost, but of the people who reply, there are three kinds:
- understanding the joke and playing along (this is good)
- misunderstanding the joke, in the specific way it tries to trick you (this is fine)
- let me explain your joke back to you (please don’t; also this is all men, go figure)
2024-04-30 07:17:40

Widespread rapid quenching at cosmic noon revealed by JWST deep spectroscopy
Minjung Park, Sirio Belli, Charlie Conroy, Benjamin D. Johnson, Rebecca L. Davies, Joel Leja, Sandro Tacchella, J. Trevor Mendel, Chlo\"e Benton, Letizia Bugiani, Razieh Emami, Amirhossein Khoram, Yijia Li, Gabriel Maheson, Elijah P. Mathews, Rohan P. Naidu, Erica J. Nelson, Bryan A. Terrazas, Rainer Weinberger
2024-02-19 02:34:12

A conversation about automating key lights for meetings, combined with me reviewing some of the “tech things to try” on my Someday list, led to me trying out Hammerspoon, the Lua-based Mac automation tool.
A couple hours later I have much nicer light automation and Zoom mute state tools than I ever had with applescripts and shell scripts! Should’ve looked at this ages ago.
2024-02-13 22:58:32

is a dead horse a sandwich
2024-03-11 01:20:48

just when you think the birdsite couldn’t get any more wtf.
i know, let’s make urls tiny, except for the domain and, inexplicably, the first 14 characters after the domain.

a screenshot of a tweet. the tweet content itself is blurred out with the text “this part doesn’t matter”.  at the bottom of the tweet is a URL, and the leading “https” and everything following the domain and the first 14 characters of a 100-plus-character URL are in tiny, tiny letters.
2024-04-08 13:02:49

made some #Eclipse emoji for yr slacks and such

The moon-face emoji on a jaunty angle, about to cover the sun-face emoji on the opposite angle
The realistic moon emoji pasted over the sun-face emoji so only the little triangles of sun appear at the edges
The moon face emoji with a white glow around it like an actual eclipse
2024-04-26 07:27:06

The MAGPI Survey: Evolution of radial trends in star formation activity across cosmic time
Marcie Mun, Emily Wisnioski, Andrew J. Battisti, J. Trevor Mendel, Sara L. Ellison, Edward N. Taylor, Claudia D. P. Lagos, Katherine E. Harborne, Caroline Foster, Scott M. Croom, Sabine Bellstedt, Stefania Barsanti, Anshu Gupta, Lucas M. Valenzuela, Qian-Hui Chen, Kathryn Grasha, Tamal Mukherjee, Hye-Jin Park, Piyush Sharda, Sarah M. Sweet, Rhea-Silvia Remus, Tayyaba Zafar