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2024-11-29 13:50:33

Keep the chip in Christmas! After scouring Spotify for 8-bit and 16-bit holiday tunes, here's a playlist with covers of hymns and carols, midcentury standards, and more recent pop songs. Enjoy chip artists like Tee Lopes, Dj Cutman, Rush Coil, 8-bit Weapon, Computeher, Jim Kulakowski, Doctor Octoroc, Bulby, Mr. Joyrider in a Scrambler, CoolAm7, and Robby Duguay.
2025-01-25 15:25:46

Heute #ADiscoveryOfWitches zu Ende geschaut, die hat mich so gut unterhalten wie schon lang keine Serie mehr. :blobcatcomfy:
Ich denke, dass ich die zugrundeliegende Buchreihe #AllSouls auch noch lesen werde.
In der Zwischzeit versüße ich mir die Zeit damit, endlich
2024-12-12 12:20:16

«Kritische Infrastruktur–Bund muss mehr in Cybersicherheit investieren:
Das eidgenössische Parlament pocht nach dem Xplain-Skandal auf verbindliche Cybersicherheitsprüfungen wichtiger Produkte und rennt damit bei der Landesregierung offene Türen ein»
Unter anderem wäre zB das blinde Vertrauen in IT-Verkäufer sehr wohl zu überlegen und nicht alles nur kurzsichtig anzunehmen.
2024-11-28 10:44:09

turn of the century chinafakes are something else

A chinafake toy gun that resembles Harry Potter on a broomstick with an owl. One of his hands is pointing at something, and is very large and made out of translucent green plastic with an LED inside. The whole thing is very off-looking, has a weird paint job, and Harry's face is that of an eldritch horror. The whole toy is covered in  minor damage from wear (scratches, paint worn down, etc) and small amounts of grime and dirt here and there, presumably from storage.
A slightly more zoomed-out image of the same toy.
The other side of the toy, which is identical albeit mirrored. It has speaker holes and a model number of "NO.918-20" molded into it.
A close up of the initial side of the toy, but focused more on the lower half and battery compartment this time.
2024-12-18 03:03:35

As of today, Ukraine has supplied more than 1.3M drones to its soldiers this year... 30% more than its aggressive drone expansion plans.
2024-12-05 20:14:54

Bei den Sachen, die ich mache, denke ich mir im allgemeinen etwas ...
... um dann keine Ahnung mehr zu haben, was ich mir dabei gedacht habe.