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2024-06-07 05:58:20

🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
Kendra Morris:
🎵 Concrete waves
2024-06-07 14:34:26

🔊 Auf radioeins läuft...
Seeed feat. Rote Mütze Raphi:
🎵 Love & courvoisier - RMX
#NowPlaying #Seeed #RoteMützeRaphi
2024-06-07 23:00:06

fly_larva: Drosophila larva brain (2023)
A complete synaptic map of the brain connectome of the larva of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Nodes are neurons, and edges are synaptic connections, traced individually from brain image sections using three-dimensional electron microscopy–based reconstruction. Node metadata include the neuron hempisphere, hemispherical homologue, cell type, annotations, and inferred cluster. Edge metadata include the type of interaction (`'aa'`,…

fly_larva: Drosophila larva brain (2023). 2956 nodes, 116922 edges.
2024-06-06 11:00:06

hiv_transmission: HIV transmission network (1988-2001)
A set of networks of HIV transmissions between people through sexual, needle-sharing, or social connections, based on combining 8 datasets collected from 1988 to 2001. Metadata includes test results of several diseases, as well as demographic variables such as age, ethnicity, and gender. Networks come in two flavors: egodyads and altdyads. Egodyads are the network among study-participants and their direct partners. Altdyads are the…

hiv_transmission: HIV transmission network (1988-2001). 35229 nodes, 85890 edges.
2024-06-07 12:00:05

new_zealand_collab: New Zealand scientific collaborations (2015)
A network of scientific collaborations among institutions in New Zealand. Nodes are institutions (universities, organizations, etc.), and two nodes i,j are connected if Scopus lists at least one publication with authors at institutions i and j, in the period 2010-2015. Edges are weighted by the number of such collaborations. Nodes are annotated with the categorical type of institution.
This network has 1511 nodes an…

new_zealand_collab: New Zealand scientific collaborations (2015). 1511 nodes, 4273 edges.
2024-06-06 23:00:07

topology: Internet AS graph (2004)
An integrated snapshot of the structure of the Internet at the level of Autonomous Systems (ASs), reconstructed from multiple sources, including the RouteViews and RIPE BGP trace collectors, route servers, looking glasses, and the Internet Routing Registry databases. This snapshot was created around October 2004.
This network has 34761 nodes and 171403 edges.
Tags: Technological, Communication, Unweighted, Multigraph, Timestamps

topology: Internet AS graph (2004). 34761 nodes, 171403 edges.
2024-06-07 19:00:04

marvel_partnerships: Marvel character partnerships (2018)
A network of partnerships among characters in the Marvel comic book universe. Nodes are either heroes or villains, and edges represent partnerships between such characters. The partnership network was extracted from Wikipedia pages of these characters, which indicate partnership relations with other such pages.
This network has 350 nodes and 346 edges.
Tags: Social, Fictional, Unweighted

marvel_partnerships: Marvel character partnerships (2018). 350 nodes, 346 edges.
2024-06-06 16:00:52

trec: TREC collection (2010)
A bipartite network of documents and the words they contain, extracted from NIST's Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) disks 4 and 5, from 2010. These archives contain material drawn from the Financial Times Ltd., the Congressional Record of the 103rd Congress, the Federal Register, the Foreign Broadcast Information Service, and the Los Angeles Times newspaper.
This network has 1729302 nodes and 83629405 edges.
Tags: Informational, Language, Un…

trec: TREC collection (2010). 1729302 nodes, 83629405 edges.
2024-06-07 14:00:05

us_agencies: U.S. government agency websites (2018)
50 networks, one for each U.S. state, representing the web-based links between their associated government agencies websites. A node is an entire agency website and a directed edge (i,j) represents the existence of a hyperlink from any webpage in website i to some webpage in website j. Data was collected with a crawler. Nodes are annotated with the number of webpages per website, website name (related to its government function) and U…

us_agencies: U.S. government agency websites (2018). 1281 nodes, 5479 edges.
2024-06-06 19:00:05

tree-of-life: Protein interactomes across the tree of life (2019)
Protein-protein iteraction networks ("interactome") for 1,840 species. An interactome captures all physical protein-protein interactions within one species, from direct biophysical protein-protein interactions to regulatory protein-DNA and metabolic interactions. .
This network has 735 nodes and 3004 edges.
Tags: Biological, Protein interactions

tree-of-life: Protein interactomes across the tree of life (2019). 735 nodes, 3004 edges.