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2024-06-12 17:32:30

Senegal joins oil-producing nations with launch of first offshore field
Senegal has joined the ranks of oil-producing nations with Australian company Woodside Energy on Tuesday announcing the start of production in the West African country's first offshore project.
2024-06-13 12:05:41

As Chinese companies test driverless cars, with government and public support, state media seldom reports crashes or incidents, and online posts are censored (Keith Bradsher/New York Times)
2024-06-14 10:00:03

"We have a moral responsibility to help low-income nations restore coral reefs"
#Coral #CoralReef #Environment
2024-06-12 17:19:18

NYTimes: Ancient Genomes Reveal Which Children the Maya Selected for Sacrifice
Ancient Genomes Reveal Which Children the Maya Selected for Sacrifice
2024-06-13 03:22:27

Christophe Deloire, the secretary general of Reporters Without Borders, dies at 53 in Paris due to complications of brain cancer (Sam Roberts/New York Times)
2024-06-13 10:25:49

How China is testing more driverless cars than any other country, with 16 cities letting 19 companies test vehicles on public roads, aided by government help (Keith Bradsher/New York Times)
2024-06-13 18:37:34

NYTimes: Is the Sugar Substitute Xylitol Safe for Your Heart?
Is the Sugar Substitute Xylitol Safe for Your Heart?
2024-06-13 10:20:26

Disney and Ron DeSantis reach a 15-year agreement to let Disney undertake a $17B expansion of Walt Disney World near Orlando; Disney will end all litigation (Brooks Barnes/New York Times)
2024-06-12 17:20:25

NYTimes: Is the Sugar Substitute Xylitol Safe for Your Heart?
Is the Sugar Substitute Xylitol Safe for Your Heart?
2024-06-12 15:47:13

NYTimes: The Day My Old Church Canceled Me Was a Very Sad Day
The Day My Old Church Canceled Me Was a Very Sad Day