Heute vor 100 Jahren im Institut im Kolloquium der Mathematischen Gesellschaft #Göttingen:
Berichte der Dozenten über ihre Vorlesungen im W.-S. 1924/25.
aus "Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung", 1926
#OTD 14 January 2005, ESA’s #Huygens probe made history as it touched down on Titan, Saturn’s largest moon
Seems that Crunchyroll had a breach. You should change your password.
The option to change the password in menu settings (logged in) didn't work throws an error.
Log out or try in another browser and select forgot password in login menu this will send you a link to reset the password
Dernières nouvelles du paradis du capitalisme: faire ses courses Š crédit.
Shout out to Calvo's GPT for R, https://chatgpt.com/g/g-iedyANQtM-r-and-r-studio-tutor. It really came through yesterday. Handled the tedious tasks of function input checks and roxygen docs and helped me out of mental rut. I was convinced walk2 could add attributes…
I wish I could remember one of the terms for a white guy they hire in Asia (it actually happens enough to merit a term) to pretend to be the boss just because he looks the part.
I'm going to have to look one up so I can throw it out there every time someone uses the term "diversity hire".
Otto Mueller est un peintre expressionniste allemand, membre du mouvement Brücke. Son style se caractérise par des formes anguleuses et une approche proche de la gravure sur bois.
Deux femmes Š moitié nues est une peinture expressionniste d’Otto Mueller, réalisée vers 1919. L’œuvre représente deux femmes nues qui nous fixent d’un regard sombre et profond...
On the same day I signed an initial IEP plan, I find out the US Dept of Education has cut half its staff.
Fuck POTUS47 and anyone that voted for him. And fuck any #ProgressivesForTrump that didn't have the maturity to vote for a better future. There's a million ways we will suffer for your single-minded refusal to see the future. You think people will "try harder&quo…