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2024-06-19 00:25:26

#Africa now emits more carbon dioxide than it absorbs
The latest data compiled by the Global Change Institute at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg shows that the continent now emits more greenhouse gases than it absorbs.
In only nine years between 2010 and 2019, Africa has turned from being a net carbon sink, to being a net carbon source.

Graphs 2000-2009 & 2010-2019

"Summarising the key components of the African Carbon Cycle and their change over the first two decades of this century. Anthropogenic activities such as fossil fuel burning and agricultural activities release carbon dioxide and other GHGs into the atmosphere. Some of this carbon gets taken up again through ecological processes such as weathering and plant growth, so the net amount accumulating in the atmosphere is often less than the anthropogenic sources. Arrows …
2024-07-01 20:21:30

Played the Gears Of Corruption expansion to Expeditions for the first time yesterday!
We loved the new metal minis and small additions to the game, like new character cards and starting resources. But we didn't play the corrupted mech module, yet, because we had a new player onboard, and the learning curve is already quite steep, IMO.
I still feel like I rarely manage to pull of great combos, but maybe I need to play it more often.

Expeditions board game with a pair characters from the expansion and lots of purple cards.