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2024-05-06 04:59:06

I’ve been watching a few travel vlog videos on YouTube and because of my #OpenStreetMap compulsive behavior, I’ve been using these videos as street-level imagery sources to update POIs on the map. 😅
2024-04-03 18:40:53

Doing a bit of #OpenStreetMap mapping on my way back to the hotel with @….

StreetComplete screenshot in Düsseldorf
2024-04-04 16:22:59

Why are the neighbourhood maps on the streets of #Vienna not oriented north up? Compare to the OpenStreetMap screenshot. #Wien
2024-03-31 22:12:28

Love uploading walking and biking sequences to #Panoramax. Makes subsequent #OpenStreetMap mods easier. Learning to use #OpenCamera better. Ultimately better than

Screen grab in Panaramax showing a path under the West Side Highway at about 134th Street with the Hudson River in the distance and some controls at top to go back forward auto play and do more.  At the bottom there are controls to advance one photo forward or reverse.
2024-04-18 15:48:43

lhirlimann's Diary | OpenStreetMap
2024-04-01 08:52:53

#Magnolia trees are blossoming in T. W. Wilson's #Park in #Poznań (near the side entrance from Głogowska street).
2024-05-22 18:48:38

A series of photos from #Kiekrz #Lake, in #Poznań / #Chyby.
1. An old jetty.
#jezioro #Poznań #Kiekrz #Chyby
2024-03-15 12:56:56

Some fun photos from the nice town of #ObornikiŚląskie.
1. A road crossing towards a wall. Yep, there is literally nothing on the other side, not even proper roadside. You can't go neither left, nor right, because both roads feature sidewalks on the other side.
The crossing of Podzamcza — Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie streets.