New Website Helps Researchers Overcome Peer Reviewers’ Preference for Animal Experiments #AnimalRights #AnimalTests #AnimalTesting
#Blakes7 Series A, Episode 05 - The Web
BLAKE: I don't give a damn about your power cells. There's a friend of mine out there.
[He turns and runs for the main entrance of the complex. Geela and Novara intercept him near the exit.] NOVARA/GEELA: [Simultaneously] We will help.] B7B1
Series D, Episode 02 - Power
GUNN SAR: Go where?
NINA: Escape. B7B2
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#clicensemble #intergen #Vaud
The WordPress drama seems to be an incredible garbage fire beyond comprehension. I’m very impressed.
Anbei noch ein paar Eindrücke zur Demo der antifaschistischen Mitmach-Kampagne "Den Rechten die Räume nehmen" am Mo. 02.09.2024
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Unter dem Motto: "Keine Zusammenarbeit mit Faschist*innen – Fe…
Series A, Episode 05 - The Web
VILA: All I said was what do you think of the outfit.
ZEN: Repair monitors report explosive device attached to primary power channel. B7B5
Adieu, mon ami. Dans nos jeunes années, nous étions camarades de classe, et plus tard dans nos vies, nous avons partagé la place de la Palud lors de nos campagnes politiques. Je garderai en mémoire ton écoute et ta présence. Chaque soir, en traversant la ville, lorsque je vois un feu tricolore clignoter en orange, je penserai Š toi. Ce souvenir restera pour moi un moyen de te garder proche. Merci pour tout ce que tu m'as apporté.
Series D, Episode 06 - Headhunter
TARRANT: Vila, no! [Vila approaches the box. As he touches it, the same electrical power surge occurs again. Vila tries again with the same result.]
TARRANT: Slave? B7B4