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2024-03-06 10:12:58

[Le Temps] - Une étude estime que les prédateurs représentent une alternative efficace aux #pesticides.
«Les prédateurs ont réduit les populations de nuisibles de 73% en moyenne et augmenté les rendements des cultures de 25% en moyenne», estime l'étude qui a analysé l'efficacité alternative d'une forme de «biocontrôle».
2024-04-04 16:23:37

Certain Pesticides Linked With Risk for Pancreatic Cancer
2024-03-06 17:36:09

🎯 AgZen’s RealCoverage wants to keep pesticides only where they are needed
2024-05-03 10:00:00

"We found pesticides in a third of Australian frogs we tested. Did these cause mass deaths?"
#Australia #Pesticides #Animals
2024-04-27 15:45:58

TL;DR: “The bottom line—washing produce before eating it raw or cooking it is a good idea.”
Does washing produce actually remove pesticides? What to know
2024-04-20 14:00:01

"Eco-friendly agricultural gel replaces toxic pesticides with worms"
#Agriculture #Farming #Pesticides
2024-02-22 14:59:41

[Reporterre] - 73 % des fruits non bio contaminés aux #pesticides.
Près de 94 % des cerises, 91 % des pamplemousses et 90 % des nectarines et pêches contiennent au moins un résidu de pesticide lorsque ces produits, non bio, sont vendus en France. C’est le résultat de l’« État des lieux sur les fruits et légumes non bio » qu’a publié l’ONG
2024-04-03 17:33:48

👎🏿 US court blocks EPA order to eliminate PFAS in plastic containers
2024-04-23 17:00:01

"‘Ban them until we know they’re safe’: Dutch flower growers urged to stop using pesticides"
#Netherlands #Dutch #Flowers
2024-02-29 12:24:04

[Le Monde] - Le gouvernement offre un soutien limité Š l’#AgricultureBiologique.
Le ministre de l’agriculture, #MarcFesneau, a annoncé que l’aide d’urgence Š la filière sans engrais ni #pesticides
2024-04-25 18:16:23

If any of you are buying ristras we enjoyed buying 'em off the back of a pickup truck from this person. We had a fun time picking them out, chatting about which ones used chilies that were safe (from pesticides) to use in cooking, while my wife practiced her Spanish:
Ristras Herrera & Landscaping
Tesuque Village Market
2024-02-26 17:00:06

"Nanotechnology promises to help farmers cut pesticide use – but could also make chemicals more toxic"
#Agriculture #Pesticides #Chemicals
2024-02-19 19:26:40

Turns out that farmers - often unknowingly - spread #microplastics over their fields in:
- controlled release fertilizers
- anti-caking agents* in fertilizers
- seeds with a protective layer
- certain pesticides.
*) Good for 4,000 tonnes/ year in Europe
2024-02-21 13:29:01

[La Libre] - #Pesticides : la France va abandonner l'indicateur de mesure actuellement utilisé, qui était défendu par les écologistes.
Le Premier ministre #GabrielAttal a annoncé mercredi que la France allait abandonner l'indicateur qu'elle utilise actuellement pour mesurer…
2024-04-18 14:09:40

good article on which non-organic fruits and vegetables are especially dangerous in the USA
2024-04-25 18:16:23

If any of you are buying ristras we enjoyed buying 'em off the back of a pickup truck from this person. We had a fun time picking them out, chatting about which ones used chilies that were safe (from pesticides) to use in cooking, while my wife practiced her Spanish:
Ristras Herrera & Landscaping
Tesuque Village Market
2024-02-19 19:26:40

Turns out that farmers - often unknowingly - spread #microplastics over their fields in:
- controlled release fertilizers
- anti-caking agents* in fertilizers
- seeds with a protective layer
- certain pesticides.
*) Good for 4,000 tonnes/ year in Europe
2024-02-07 14:53:01

[Le Monde] - « La victoire remportée par les tenants d’une #AgricultureIndustrielle réaffirme dans l’esprit de tous que l’usage des #pesticides est normal ».
Les mesures prises par les pouvoirs publics pour répondre aux revendications des agriculteurs occultent le caractère …
2024-04-26 07:24:55

ApisTox: a new benchmark dataset for the classification of small molecules toxicity on honey bees
Jakub Adamczyk, Jakub Poziemski, Pawe{\l} Siedlecki
2024-02-08 08:48:38

[Basta] - Treize mutuelles appellent Š une #agriculture française et européenne sans #pesticides.
« 23 millions de Français souffrent d’une ou plusieurs maladies chroniques. Nous devons stopper les expositions aux poisons identifiés tels les pesticides et l’amiante qui tuent », rappelle…
2024-04-23 18:28:06

🐝 Bumblebees don't care about pesticide cocktails: Research highlights their resilience to chemical stressors
2024-02-14 11:26:17

[RadioFrance] - Malades de l'#agriculture
Les #pesticides et autres #IntrantsChimiques ont un coût, pour la santé et pour la société.
Il s’agit lŠ d’un défi sanitaire, so…
2024-02-20 07:39:54

Les pesticides sont arrivés dans les sources d'eau minérale, sources qui sont censées de produire une eau millénaire.
2024-02-20 07:26:36

From parcels to people: development of a spatially explicit risk indicator to monitor residential pesticide exposure in agricultural areas
Francesco GalimbertiEuropean Commission, Joint Research Centre, Stephanie BoppEuropean Commission, Joint Research Centre, Alessandro CarlettiEuropean Commission, Joint Research Centre, Rui CatarinoEuropean Commission, Joint Research Centre, Martin ClaverieEuropean Commission, Joint Research Centre, Pietro FlorioEuropean Commission, Joint Research Ce…
2024-02-29 17:00:03

"Fruit and veg increasingly tainted by 'forever-chemicals', NGO warns"
#Fruit #Vegetables #PFAS #ForeverChemicals
2024-02-20 07:26:36

From parcels to people: development of a spatially explicit risk indicator to monitor residential pesticide exposure in agricultural areas
Francesco GalimbertiEuropean Commission, Joint Research Centre, Stephanie BoppEuropean Commission, Joint Research Centre, Alessandro CarlettiEuropean Commission, Joint Research Centre, Rui CatarinoEuropean Commission, Joint Research Centre, Martin ClaverieEuropean Commission, Joint Research Centre, Pietro FlorioEuropean Commission, Joint Research Ce…
2024-03-25 20:00:01

"Vermont House passes a bill to restrict a pesticide that is toxic to bees"
#US #USA #America #Pesticides