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2024-06-07 22:26:46

New batch of filter graph icons for ngscopeclient just landed! More great work from Tetrikitty (who I think still isn't on fedi).
Latest batch includes eye pattern, RJ45 and LC icons for various flavors of Ethernet, and constellation diagram.
Still 50 more to draw but it's coming along!

Screenshot of ngscopeclient decoding 100baseT Ethernet. The eye pattern filter has a stylized eye pattern icon and the Ethernet protocol decode has an RJ45 icon.
Screenshot of ngscopeclient decoding 10Gbase-R Ethernet. The filter graph icon is a stylized LC connector as seen looking into a SFP+.
Screenshot of ngscopeclient decoding 100base-T1. The constellation diagram icon is a stylized QPSK/QAM-4 2x2 grid.
2024-06-07 11:26:31

I'm pleasantly surprised and truly honoured to have my work be acknowledged in this week's edition of the Pandemic Roundup from @… who has been one of the precious few reliable journalists unrelentingly reporting on Covid since the start. Check it out:
2024-06-06 19:38:45

NSC 1 zetel is hoe je het ook wendt of keert een enorme afstraffing voor #PieterOmtzigt. Nou, dat lijkt me terecht. Deze partij heeft zich volstrekt ongeloofwaardig gemaakt en al helemaal met hun opt-out en derogatie sprookjes richting de EU.

Researchers found that facial
infrared thermography can predict
coronary artery disease more accurately than traditional pretest probability tools,
using deep-learning algorithms to analyze temperature patterns.
2024-06-07 05:13:43

Meta uses “dark patterns” to thwart AI opt-outs in EU, complaint says | Ars Technica
2024-06-07 16:06:16

Meta uses “dark patterns” to thwart AI opt-outs in EU, complaint says | Ars Technica
2024-06-06 17:00:54

I absolutely love these! Will be adding to my phone shortly.
2024-06-07 16:02:16

Thinking about 🔢 Defcon levels of software consent patterns:
1️⃣ Defcon 1: Opt-in without asking (new default), opt-out not allowed.
2️⃣ Defcon 2: Opt-in without asking, opt-out allowed via user action
3️⃣ Defcon 3: Ask for opt-in via prompt with default yes already selected
4️⃣ Defcon 4: Opt-in via non-default user action (manual installation)
5️⃣ Defcon 5: Thing not added, requiring no action by anyone 😅
2024-06-07 08:27:14

And yes. I am currently sititng on my hands and breathing deeply before answering yet another one...
The thing is, I think for the scientific colleagues in question, they have no clue how patronising this sounds to me.
Anyway, I shall continue my unpacking after coming home late last night from "working on scientific problems alongside local communities in Greenland" And maybe take it on Monday.
2024-06-06 19:38:45

NSC 1 zetel is hoe je het ook wendt of keert een enorme afstraffing voor #PieterOmtzigt. Nou, dat lijkt me terecht. Deze partij heeft zich volstrekt ongeloofwaardig gemaakt en al helemaal met hun opt-out en derogatie sprookjes richting de EU.