Wanna follow the OFFICIAL accounts of News & Media outlets?
If you're on BlueSky, this is a curated Starter Pack of around ~100 accounts I follow. (NBC, CNN, Newsweek, New Yorker, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, etc.)
🚋 El medio-tranvía de Trieste, 🇮🇹 Italia, recuperarš su servicio este 2025
🤌 El tren circula en modo tranviario por la calle, y se acopla a un funicular cerca de Villa Opicina para remontar la pendiente
🤓 Se recuperarš el servicio progresivamente, hasta 29 trenes/dia en #Marzo
„I would not be surprised if Musk hopes to displace the USD (to ‘denationalise’ the dollar) and to replace the world’s reserve currency with ‘privatised’ cryptocurrencies, that both Musk and Trump are now invested in. Both are fearsome prospects, but under this administration, entirely plausible.“
Ich kam wieder nicht in der Mitte an und war deswegen wieder links unterwegs – meine Position in der Kantine ;)
#kaffee #pause #kaffeepause
Today was a nice day
@… Aha, I get you now! This is the best thing about proofs (I feel the same way about dependently-typed programming). The more information you can convey in a signature or type, the less you need to look inside.
I'm surprised you say that Go is close to it, though; is this because of culture? I'm sure that Rob Pike shouting “don't do anything cle…