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2024-11-09 07:31:32

#Blakes7 Series C, Episode 07 - Children of Auron
PATAR: Could be. Full retros, four zero. [pilot in shuttle, sores on face, hard landing. pilot dies]
PATAR: [V.O.] Well done, four zero. Stand by for hookup, stand by.
2024-12-15 12:00:00


A dumpster sits by an electric pole at the crossing of two alleys in a city. The sun shines on the front side of the dumpster which has been completely painted by a street artist. On a blue background are four colorful, stylized, childlike drawings of animals: an orange elephant, a pink hippo, a pink duck, and a yellow bear. The words written in the space between the animals are: "This is trash. You are not." The dumpster is overflowing with trash bags. They can be seen piled higher than the to…
2024-11-03 16:12:58

Adieu, mon ami. Dans nos jeunes années, nous étions camarades de classe, et plus tard dans nos vies, nous avons partagé la place de la Palud lors de nos campagnes politiques. Je garderai en mémoire ton écoute et ta présence. Chaque soir, en traversant la ville, lorsque je vois un feu tricolore clignoter en orange, je penserai Š toi. Ce souvenir restera pour moi un moyen de te garder proche. Merci pour tout ce que tu m'as apporté.