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2024-04-25 23:13:52

There's a funny thing you see in many scientific papers - especially #AI papers: The paper will prominently include a link to a GitHub repository with claims of code availability "soon" but when you go there (months after the paper was released) there's either just a placeholder or the paper text.
People use GitHub links to score browny points for "doing open science&quo…
2024-04-25 14:08:18

Using this CSS with broken image ref:
::before {
content: url(foo) / "Panda";
Safari / macOS / iPadOS does not show the alt.
Until you turn on VO. Or turn it off. But it goes away if you refresh.
More accurately, it resizes the placeholder; if your alt is small enough to fit *then* it shows.
Attached video shows it in action.
So. What the deal is?
Test page:

A series of broken images that, when VoiceOver is activated, resize and show the alt text from the CSS declaration. Reloading the page makes them go away. Turning off VO makes them come back.
2024-05-26 10:30:15

"Der 81-jährige Brandenburger fand sein Fahrzeug nicht mehr und ergriff deshalb extreme Maßnahmen.
Als er sich nicht mehr anders zu helfen wusste, betätigte er nach Informationen der Polizei den Notfallknopf, der einen Einsatz auslöste. Nachdem auch die polizeiliche Suche nach dem Fahrzeug in dem Parkhaus erfolglos verlaufen war, stellte sich schließlich heraus, dass der Mann sein Fahrzeug nicht im Parkhaus Post, sondern im Parkhaus Zinkenwehr geparkt hatte."
2024-05-25 23:42:16

Nothing says "this is a reputable company to do business with" like several paragraphs of lorem ipsum on the front page. /s

Screenshot of with weird typo and two of the several paragraphs of placeholder lorem ipsum text headed by "Price Match Guarantee"
2024-04-27 09:28:25

Buenos días pasados por agua en la capital imperial, mastodontes. Ahora luce el sol, y menos mal, porque tenemos un fin de semana lleno de interacciones sociales.
2024-05-16 02:35:00

Datenhehler-Forum BreachForums polizeilich beschlagnahmt nach Europol-Einbruch
FBI & Co schließen das berüchtigte BreachForums, in dem gestohlene Daten angeboten und preisgegeben wurden, etwa aus dem jüngsten Einbruch in ein Europol-Forum.
2024-04-25 14:08:18

Using this CSS with broken image ref:
::before {
content: url(foo) / "Panda";
Safari / macOS / iPadOS does not show the alt.
Until you turn on VO. Or turn it off. But it goes away if you refresh.
More accurately, it resizes the placeholder; if your alt is small enough to fit *then* it shows.
Attached video shows it in action.
So. What the deal is?
Test page:

A series of broken images that, when VoiceOver is activated, resize and show the alt text from the CSS declaration. Reloading the page makes them go away. Turning off VO makes them come back.
2024-04-26 17:57:15

Últimamente leo las noticias completamente alucinado, me parece increíble, literalmente, ver cosas que me parecen evidentes y que millones de personas no ven. Y me desanimo un poco.
2024-04-24 20:10:40

A veces estoy taaaan cansado...
2024-05-24 15:23:53

Una historia curiosa que ha pasado en el instituto.
Hace un mes apareció en un descansillo de unas escalera una planta, un arbolito. Nadie sabe quién lo puso y nadie parecía saber como se cuidaba. Con el paso de los días, el šrbitro se fue secando pique nadie lo regaba, hasta que quedó reducido a un palo clavado en una maceta. La señora de la limpieza lo metió en el baño de profesores y yo empecé a regarlo tras hablar con ella.