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2024-05-24 19:20:10

Republican War On Women Equates Pregnancy Care Pills To Heroin. Which state has banned abortions with no exceptions for rape or incest? Has one of the highest rates of pregnancies from rapes? Now is equating pregnancy care medication with heroin?
#RoeYourVote #AbortionRights
2024-05-25 17:40:27

Personalnot im Ludwigshafener Stellwerk - Bahnverkehr
Die Probleme im Bahnverkehr der Rhein-Neckar-Region durch die Personalengpässe im Stellwerk am Ludwigshafener Hauptbahnhof haben sich am Freitag zugespitzt. Hinzu kam eine kurzfristig angesetzte Weichenreparatur. Deswegen gab es massive Einschränkungen unter anderem auch im S-Bahn-Verkehr.
2024-04-24 19:21:04

„Zum Stichtag 29. September 2023 haben laut Bundesregierung bundesweit insgesamt 776 offene, das heißt noch nicht vollstreckte Haftbefehle gegen 597 Personen vorgelegen, die dem politisch rechten Spektrum zuzurechnen sind.“
@… :
Offene Haftbefehle gegen Personen des rechten Spektrums
2024-03-26 09:15:45

Memo: Microsoft's Bing chief Mikhail Parakhin plans to exit his roles and look for a new position, after Microsoft hired Mustafa Suleyman to run Microsoft AI (Dina Bass/Bloomberg)

A Toyota SUV exploded in a Los Angeles shopping plaza parking lot late Thursday night.
SkyFOX was over the scene near the intersection of Van Nuys Boulevard and Sherman Way in the Van Nuys neighborhood where a white Toyota 4Runner was completely destroyed.…
2024-04-25 11:19:43

100 Jahre Berliner S-Bahn – Das große Festival zum Jubiläum startet am 8. August 2024 -
2024-04-25 19:17:07

My mum asked about an app.
She was diagnosed with Parkinson's at the same time as she was panicking about the pandemic, while also coping with caring for my fairly newly paraplegic father.
She heard of:
#boostsAppreciated #parkinsons
2024-05-25 17:38:18

Praising Trump With Faint Damnation: How can people who claim to be followers of Jesus support a man of undisguised moral degeneracy? - The Atlantic
2024-04-24 21:59:38

Cowboys exercise fifth-year option on DE Micah Parsons
2024-04-25 14:35:29

American woman stay from me: EMTALA emergency care for pregnant women