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2024-04-17 19:33:56

Well, it turns out that the #godot 360 panorama #vr renderer I wrote still wasn't right.
It does a final image-warp to map from the perspective projection it renders into an equirectangular projection for playback, and the function was doing the opposite of the intended job.
I only thought it was working because it also had an eye-switching bug which fixed the eyes-rendering-wrong bug in the earlier code so really seemed to make things look better.
Only really became apparent as I got to rendering things other than test graphics.
That's fixed now, by reversing the mapping function.
Is it right now? Yes? Maybe. I dunno. I don't really understand the maths let alone why I had to reverse it.
Like the Doctor says, you can just #reverseThePolarityOfTheNeutronFlow, give it a try.
2024-03-05 22:35:33

Though I can't commit my tiny changes now because of whatever the hell rubocop is and it making eslint fail which is apparently an unavoidable part of the commit now.
Says to install missing files with bundle install but that don't work.
Goddamnit. Whose bight idea is it to force a dependency before commit will work and then not have that dependency install?
2024-04-18 13:08:33

Maybe the best way to assure people that your critical online-only service won't be subject to an outage, is to pre-commit to an overly generous compensation for anyone inconvenienced in the event that it does go down?
(Thinking about UK visa checks being online only now, with no physical documents issued.)
2024-02-09 19:10:49

Czy wspominałem kiedyś, jak bardzo nie znoszę, że współczesne oprogramowanie traktuje twój katalog domowy jak śmietnik, i nigdy po sobie nie sprząta?
Właśnie odkryłem 2G przypadkowych śmieci w ~/.local/share/virtualenv. Plus 8G w ~/.local/share/baloo — i nawet nie pamiętam, żebym tego używał. Nie będę nawet wspominał o ~/.cache/pip i ~/.cache/pre-commit (myślę, że to najbardziej pomylone narzędzie, jakiegokolwiek byłem zmuszony używać) — te chociaż lądują we właściwym katalogu.
2024-04-18 13:08:33

Maybe the best way to assure people that your critical online-only service won't be subject to an outage, is to pre-commit to an overly generous compensation for anyone inconvenienced in the event that it does go down?
(Thinking about UK visa checks being online only now, with no physical documents issued.)
2024-02-09 19:10:49

Did I ever mention that I hate how often modern software treats your home directory like a waste dump, and never bothers cleaning up after itself?
I've just discovered 2G of random stuff in ~/.local/share/virtualenv. And 8G in ~/.local/share/baloo — and I don't recall ever using that. I'm not going to even talk of ~/.cache/pip and ~/.cache/pre-commit (I guess that's the most misdesigned tool I've ever were forced to use) — but these are at least in the correct top-level directory.
Is it really that hard to implement some cache cleanup?
#Gentoo #Python #Linux #pip #VirtualEnv #PreCommit