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2024-04-01 17:53:42

Class action says jails stopped live visits to turn profit on streaming services
2024-05-01 18:04:41

CJ Stroud, Micah Parsons team up for youth football camp in Beijing
2024-03-03 15:03:12

Does *this* Java SE runtime license (emphasis mine) mean *I* am prohibited from installing it on a *personal-use VM* in a commercial cloud? 🤔
"This version of the Java Runtime is licensed only for your personal (non-commercial) *desktop and laptop use*"
(IIUC running on local VM is OK because that'd be on my own desktop, laptop.)
PS: This part of Oracle license is not new; I just had not needed to question it.

Dialog box with mostly black text, gray background for caption, white background for body.

Welcome to Java - Updated License Terms

The terms under which this version of the software is licensed have changed.

Updated License Agreement

This version of the Java Runtime is licensed only for your personal (non-commercial) desktop and laptop use.
2024-05-03 12:31:31

Hackers attacked the ultra-conservative publications Human Events and The Post Millennial, posting the message that senior editor Andy Ngo is now transgender and leaking the subscriber database along with the personal details of writers and editors.
2024-04-02 20:14:30

Moved my domains to a provider with query stats and for the first time looking at query counts....this is a lot more than anticipated for my personal domains.
I held off moving to cloud dns because they all pay per query count and this has really made it clear that my reservations with that was well founded wow. ClouDNS has pretty accessible pricing and goes to unlimited queries quite quick.
t(counts per day)
2024-05-03 04:55:48

Dommage que Cap Gemini ne soit pas visé. Ça aurait été un bon signal pour l'ensemble des #SSII et autre #ESN
Fiasco du logiciel Scribe pour la police et la gendarmerie : des préfets, généraux et commissaires « mis en cause » - Le Parisien
2024-03-03 15:00:09

lastfm_aminer: social graph
This network contains the social graph of, a site that provides a streaming radio service, where users can search music and get personalized recommendation. A directed edge (i,j) means that user i follows user j.
This network has 136409 nodes and 1685524 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Unweighted

lastfm_aminer: social graph. 136409 nodes, 1685524 edges.
2024-05-02 19:49:17

La vraie solution, c’est que ces personnes n’aient pas Š quitter leur pays pour vivre une vie meilleure, mais ça les pays qui profitent de la situation pou importer Š vil prix ne le feront pas.
2024-03-03 15:03:12

Does *this* Java SE runtime license (emphasis mine) mean *I* am prohibited from installing it on a *personal-use VM* in a commercial cloud? 🤔
"This version of the Java Runtime is licensed only for your personal (non-commercial) *desktop and laptop use*"
(IIUC running on local VM is OK because that'd be on my own desktop, laptop.)
PS: This part of Oracle license is not new; I just had not needed to question it.

Dialog box with mostly black text, gray background for caption, white background for body.

Welcome to Java - Updated License Terms

The terms under which this version of the software is licensed have changed.

Updated License Agreement

This version of the Java Runtime is licensed only for your personal (non-commercial) desktop and laptop use.
2024-05-02 19:49:17

La vraie solution, c’est que ces personnes n’aient pas Š quitter leur pays pour vivre une vie meilleure, mais ça les pays qui profitent de la situation pou importer Š vil prix ne le feront pas.