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2024-06-11 11:23:18

I really enjoy the realism and expectation management on Wikivoyage: “It's not scenic, but has a rich industrial heritage. (…) Other Polish cities have prettified themselves into romantic budget-flight weekend destinations - that was never realistic for Katowice.“
2024-06-12 06:59:27

Support for fragile porous dust in a gravitationally self-regulated disk around IM Lup
Takahiro Ueda, Ryo Tazaki, Satoshi Okuzumi, Mario Flock, Prakruti Sudarshan
2024-06-12 07:28:32

Instruct Large Language Models to Drive like Humans
Ruijun Zhang, Xianda Guo, Wenzhao Zheng, Chenming Zhang, Kurt Keutzer, Long Chen
2024-06-11 07:11:50

Beatnik: A Novel Global Communication Mini-Application
Jason A. Stewart, Patrick G. Bridges
2024-06-11 07:12:38

Stealthy Targeted Backdoor Attacks against Image Captioning
Wenshu Fan, Hongwei Li, Wenbo Jiang, Meng Hao, Shui Yu, Xiao Zhang
2024-06-11 07:29:43

Reconstructing the genealogy of LIGO-Virgo black holes
Parthapratim Mahapatra, Debatri Chattopadhyay, Anuradha Gupta, Fabio Antonini, Marc Favata, B. S. Sathyaprakash, K. G. Arun
2024-06-11 07:26:03

UMBRELA: UMbrela is the (Open-Source Reproduction of the) Bing RELevance Assessor
Shivani Upadhyay, Ronak Pradeep, Nandan Thakur, Nick Craswell, Jimmy Lin
2024-06-12 07:31:03

Some generalized metric properties of $n$-semitopological groups
Fucai Lin, Xixi Qi arxiv.or…
2024-06-12 07:19:39

Microfluidic front dynamic for the characterization of pumps for long-term autonomous microsystems
Yara Alvarez-Bra\~na, Andreu Benavent-Clar\'o, Fernando Benito-Lopez, Aurora Hernandez-Machado, Lourdes Basabe-Desmonts
2024-06-11 09:24:39

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