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2024-05-26 12:20:00

Portabler Venen-Checker: KI soll bei Früherkennung von Thrombosen helfen
18 Partner aus der EU und den USA wollen im Projekt ThrombUS ein KI-gestütztes tragbares Diagnosegerät entwickeln, um riskante Gerinnsel in Venen zu erkennen.
2024-05-26 11:00:14

Die #VerbrennerAus Umfrage bei der #BILD
2024-05-25 18:20:01

#Sylt #PartyPeople: So deutlich hat man noch nie mit dem Herrenmenschen-Dasein geliebäugelt wie hier. #Rechtsradikal, aber irgendwie kultig.
Weil im Jahr 2024 selbst der größte Irrsinn nich…
2024-04-26 15:30:19

11 people on the data portability task force meeting for the #fediverse today.
2024-05-26 19:41:46

@… Spróbowałem dzisiaj po Twojemu widelcem i to jest super protip! Sok z puszki przecieka mi przez widelec i zostaje goła kukurydza, idealnie! 😁
2024-04-25 13:33:53

If you are looking for an experienced illustrator/digital creative, then please consider contacting me!
My portfolio is at and i’m great to work with
2024-05-27 01:54:40

Fellas, I regret to inform you that I'm leaving my favourite #Peertube server for a new one...
I'm gunna miss #DiodeZone...
2024-05-25 17:03:26

“Yep, and nope” – Ailantd Sikowsky Via
2024-05-25 11:05:31

Could not really decide what to do today. Forecast was very... Varying.
So I just went for a quick #cycling loop in the area. Tried this new part as a variation to one of my last loops to avoid cycling near a common road.
I was dressed a little bit too warm, but besides that, it was a beautiful ride.
Short clip on peertube:

Screenshot of the cycling stats: 24 km, 22 km/h avg
2024-05-27 01:54:40

Fellas, I regret to inform you that I'm leaving my favourite #Peertube server for a new one...
I'm gunna miss #DiodeZone...