"We have been in #Palestine for twelve years [i.e., since the #Balfour Declaration] without having even once made a serious attempt at seeking through negotiations the consent of the #indigenous peo…
Rethinking Thanksgiving webinar starting in 10 minutes
#Blakes7 Series D, Episode 04 - Stardrive
AVON: They couldn't. Which means that that one has been fitted with a new form of main drive unit.
ORAC: Which also means that the photonic space drive has been finally perfected by Dr. Plaxton.
Allekirjoita vetoomus koirien puolesta! #eläinoikeudet #koirat #Yulin
Lätlased (suuresti Gints Zilbalodis) on teinud laheda filmi, ma pole näinud tervikuna, aga need jupid, mida ma olen näinud, tunduvad paljutõotavad. Tore on ka see, et nad on kasutanud filmi animeerimisel ja renderdamisel Blender'it, mis on vabatarkvaraline 3d programm.