FYI Nashville folks, the Winter Solstice Celebration at Warner Parks requires registration this year (due to high turnout). Register now before it books up!
Series B, Episode 04 - Horizon
AVON: What did it say - decode.
ZEN: It is in Federation code nine. Message reads, "Top priority signal to any Federation pursuit unit, from Kommissar, planet Horizon. Request assistance. Ruler of Horizon unreliable, am disposing of him. Rebel spaceship at grid reference ten by thirteen double-u zed. Request you destroy this spaceship at once. Also inform Federation Central Control of this action. Await confirmation."
Uhhhh why’s @… not accepting my follow request in this account?
Rethinking Thanksgiving webinar starting in 10 minutes
Wer aktiv gegen das #afd_verbot_jetzt ist, ist mmn ein Faschist, Rassist und Nazi.
Die wissen genau, was die da unterstützen und wofür diese Partei steht!
#afd #afdverbot
Just migrated here from @…, if u got a follow request then that's why
I'll make an introduction toot soon, and am figuring out how to do all the account migration stuff ^-^