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2024-06-03 07:15:45

Discrete Lanchester attrition models: the case of precautionary surrender
Robin K. S. Hankin
2024-03-26 17:56:26

Kann mir jemand aus #Hamburg sagen wo geregelt ist (genaue Verordnung) wie lange Parteipaklate, die auf Fraktionsveranstaltungen hinweisen, nach dem VA-Termin hängen bleiben dürfen?
2024-04-30 06:59:37

Randomization-based confidence intervals for the local average treatment effect
P. M. Aronow, Haoge Chang, Patrick Lopatto
2024-03-29 07:01:39

Kitaev Interactions Through an Extended Superexchange Pathway in the jeff = 1/2 Ru3 Honeycomb Magnet, RuP3SiO11
Aly H. Abdeldaim, Hlynur Gretarsson, Sarah J. Day, M. Duc Le, Gavin B. G. Stenning, Pascal Manuel, Robin S. Perry, Alexander A. Tsirlin, G{\o}ran J. Nilsen, Lucy Clark
2024-04-12 07:19:34

ExeGPT: Constraint-Aware Resource Scheduling for LLM Inference
Hyungjun Oh, Kihong Kim, Jaemin Kim, Sungkyun Kim, Junyeol Lee, Du-seong Chang, Jiwon Seo
2024-03-27 07:08:52

Cost-benefit analysis of ecosystem modelling to support fisheries management
Matthew H. Holden, Eva E. Plag\'anyi, Elizabeth A. Fulton, Alexander B. Campbell, Rachel Janes, Robyn A. Lovett, Montana Wickens, Matthew P. Adams, Larissa Lubiana Botelho, Catherine M. Dichmont, Philip Erm, Kate J Helmstedt, Ryan F. Heneghan, Manuela Mendiolar, Anthony J. Richardson, Jacob G. D. Rogers, Kate Saunders, Liam Timms
2024-04-11 07:34:17

Embedding Economic Incentives in Social Networks Shape the Diffusion of Digital Technological Innovation
Zhe Li, Tianfang Zhao, Hongjun Zhu
2024-03-27 07:18:37

Use of Euler's theorem in the elucidation of economic concepts in goods exchange
Juan Villegas-Febres <…
2024-05-10 07:35:47

Modelling the galaxy radio continuum from star formation and active galactic nuclei in the Shark semi-analytic model
Samuel P. Hansen, Claudia D. P. Lagos, Matteo Bonato, Robin H. W. Cook, Luke J. M. Davies, Ivan Delvecchio, Scott A. Tompkins
2024-04-10 06:53:33

Robust Advertisement Pricing
Tan Gan, Hongcheng Li