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2024-12-06 09:23:31

So a HUGE box showed up at my doorstep.
It's the pre-order of my #XboxSeriesX #IndianaJones & the #GreatCircle - Collector's Edition.
It's the size of a small r…
2025-01-09 00:16:22

samstag 11. jaenner 2025
16:00 ms vindobona / anlegestelle reichsbruecke und
20:00 theater am werk petersplatz
am boot
interventionen von beauchamp/geissler
susanna gartmayer
mats gustafsson
im theater am …

plakat mit text: 25 jahre
2024-11-08 12:50:35

An in-depth review of the AsciiDoc workshop with #SimplexaCode at #CHopen #WorkshopTage 🔖 with lots of links on the design of impactful software documentation

A skyscraper of the Hochschule Luzern with partially blue and cloudy sky in the background, and train tracks underneath. It is labelled Purpose (sky), Cloud (clouds), Code (top floors), Documentation (ground floors), Infrastructure (train tracks)
2025-02-07 17:13:38

Supongo que ya no puedo jugar en el viernes de escritorio :bun_cry:

Es una captura de pantalla de una terminal powershell de windows pero con oh my posh para que se vea bonis y un comando llamando winfetch que me permite mostrar la info de mi sistema con pixelart personalizado y, como no podía ser de otro modo, es el sprite oficial de Spamton
2024-11-08 21:09:18

Series B, Episode 04 - Horizon
BLAKE: They don't.
GUARD: You. [Signals to Selma] Come with me. B7B5

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "The image appears to be from a scene set in a cave. The setting is dark and rocky, illuminated by a few lights suggesting an underground or mysterious environment. Two characters are visible, one with light hair wearing a pink outfit and another with darker features adorned with intricate, possibly alien-like designs. This scene likely involves an adventurous or possibly sci-fi context, where the characters are exploring or interacting within a subterranean env…
2024-12-07 17:46:35

Crap, we may have a problem.
#masks #disguises
2025-02-07 17:38:33

Ya se que aquí hablar de winsucks es pecado pero quedó bonito
*inserte voz de warioman*

Mi segunda pantalla que uso para monitoreo de notificaciones en la que está abierto:
- Wacup, un mod de winamp para darle funcionalidades nuevas y hacerlo trabajar bien en equipos modernos, con un visualizador psicodelico
- Rainmeter sencillo con la hora y un visualizador de audio vinculado al wacup
2024-12-07 20:58:28

Just came back from Las Vegas & had a really great time doing everything I wanted to do including everything at Area15. Sure glad I didn't miss any----- WHAT THE @#$% THE CRYSTAL METHOD PERFORMING LIVE GODDAMMIT
2025-02-07 17:59:55

Estados Unidos be like:

Es el meme de Peter griffin y las clasificaciones en torno a tonos de piel pero adaptados a las IAs ya que si estas son gringas (google, meta, openai) son de uso justo pero si son de otros lados como deepseek entonces "roban datos"