Holy frijoles. I'll admit I had no idea Zoom had crashed & burned so badly over the last 4 years.
I have had dozens of customers switching to Teams Conferencing & Teams Voice calling in 2024 but I had no idea ZM's valuation had dropped off 90% since it's high in 2021.
That's an astonishing rise & fall.
#ShittyCameraChallenge #BeliveInFilm #Olympus #xa2
Udaipur, Indien, 1999
Wow, sind das die AfD-Mitglieder des jungen und dynamischen ATeams 🤡?
Aus dem aktuellen #AfD Flyer:
Zitat Anfang [.....] Mit frischem Wind, klarem Verstand und einer jungen, dynamischen Mannschaft wollen wir die Politik
in unserer Stadt wieder auf Kurs bringen. [.....] Zitat Ende
#ShittyCameraChallenge #BeliveInFilm #Olympus #xa2
Jodhpur, Indien, 1998
Un mio pensiero sul problema che ha bloccato per un po’ mezzo mondo.
C’è chi parla di un problema di Windows e chi del software CrowdStrike.
Un aggiornamento silente di CrowdStrike ha aggiunto un driver in Windows che va in blocco, essendo un driver con privilegi di alto livello viene caricato nel bootstrap di Windows e fino a quando non si rimuove il driver la situazione rimane bloccata in una schermata blu anche dopo il riavvio.
Una vera e propria follia!
Please take lots of #MoonPhotos to share of the #August #FullMoon — The #Sturgeon #Moon — on Monday 19 Aug 2024 UTC 18:26.
There will be 6 more Full Moons before the #WormMoon on 14 Mar 2025, and the #TotalLunarEclipse marking the next #KrononautMoon — the night for welcoming #TimeTravelers. Check out @…'s article on Medium.com for the latest Community #TimeTravel Research.
đź”— #SturgeonMoon #KronoMoonPhotos #MoonOverMastodon #KrononautMoon #KronoMoon #Celebration