#OTD 14 January 2005, ESA’s #Huygens probe made history as it touched down on Titan, Saturn’s largest moon
I think that I might have a neat idea for something at a #Ruby / #Rails #conference that people might talk about.
To do that I'd need someone to
Still 14 notifications...
Maybe it will be easier for me to understand neodb if I actually use it
Sorry, didn't know "Neurodiversity" was a racist word to you.
Make it so that you can decide if ie. only followed users or followers(and amount of time followed rules) can reply in comments to all posts or make it to specific ones.
This in a fight against reply guys!
#ReplyGuys #MastodonFeatureRequest
Actually I started counting on March 6...so on April 6...I'll clear all my notifications...
Subject: Testing post
Testing again. I like testing