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2024-06-14 11:06:18

Updated the readme to list all available/built-in tessellator presets and illustrate their effects on different input polygons...
Edit: The source code of the tool to generate these diagrams is here:

Screenshot of a section of the linked readme showing 4 diagrams of triangles, squares, hexagons and octagons tessellated using different algorithms
Screenshot of a section of the linked readme showing 4 diagrams of triangles, squares, hexagons and octagons tessellated using different algorithms
2024-06-14 03:15:57

'Really Uncomfortable': 16-Year-Old Girl Speaks Out About Having to Share School Restrooms, Locker Rooms With Males (Elizabeth Troutman/The Daily Signal)
2024-06-14 08:37:34

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-06-14 04:29:23

Swiss Air Force Challenger T-752 as SUI580 on a sightseeing trip above Bürgenstock yesterday.
Shortly after takeoff in Dübendorf, they had a quite close encounter with the helicopter RGA1 right above Gutenswil

Screenshot adsbexchange of flightpath T752
Screenshot Adsbexchange showing Rega01 and Swiss Air Force jet quite close
2024-06-14 09:19:03

VW wird noch in diesem Jahr den ID.2 offiziell vorstellen und ab Anfang 2025 verkaufen. Damit startet das kleine E-Auto früher als vermutet, berichtet, @… #EAuto #VW
2024-06-14 09:32:58

If you’re working in Kdenlive, guides are your friend. As are the razor, slip, and ripple tools (take a moment to really learn them and you’ll save yourself a lot of time).
Also, the alt arrow keys for navigating between clips on the timeline and ctrl arrow keys for navigating between guides.
Finally, useful filters: Everything in Motion, Volume and Dynamics (audio fades, etc.), Alpha, Mask, Keying − Obscure (pixellate sensitive stuff).

Screenshot of Kdenlive, a non-linear (video) editor with (clockwise from top-left) panels showing: The list of filters, with the Motion category open and showing the Fade in, Fadeo ut, Freeze, Glitch0r, Nervous, and Vertigo filters, the Effect/Composition tab in a panel that also has a Time Remapping tab. The only effect is the Free effect, set to freeze at 00:00:00;00 with the Freeze Before and Freeze After checkboxes unchecked, the programme view showing a slide with three columns: Kitten: A …
2024-06-14 01:48:58

I wrote up a post sharing how I sort the GCODE files on a Bambu Lab SD Card... alpha sorting is possible! (Sort of.)
2024-06-14 06:50:12

Sharing Matters: Analysing Neurons Across Languages and Tasks in LLMs
Weixuan Wang, Barry Haddow, Wei Peng, Alexandra Birch
2024-06-14 00:40:44

Microsoft delays Recall to test it with the Windows Insider Program and won't ship it with Copilot PCs next week, after saying it would make the feature opt-in (Tom Warren/The Verge)
2024-06-14 00:40:44

Microsoft delays Recall to test it with the Windows Insider Program and won't ship it with Copilot PCs next week, after saying it would make the feature opt-in (Tom Warren/The Verge)