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2024-06-04 07:03:21

Prototypical Transformer as Unified Motion Learners
Cheng Han, Yawen Lu, Guohao Sun, James C. Liang, Zhiwen Cao, Qifan Wang, Qiang Guan, Sohail A. Dianat, Raghuveer M. Rao, Tong Geng, Zhiqiang Tao, Dongfang Liu
2024-04-30 20:05:53

Letter from US senators: only five of 14 automakers require police to have a warrant before requesting user data, and only Tesla tells users about such requests (Kashmir Hill/New York Times)
2024-04-29 06:57:56

Lorentzian homogeneous structures with indecomposable holonomy
Steven Greenwood, Thomas Leistner
arXiv:2404.17470v1 Announce Type: new
Abstract: For a Lorentzian homogeneous space, we study how algebraic conditions on the isotropy group affect the geometry and curvature of the homogeneous space. More specifically, we prove that a Lorentzian locally homogeneous space is locally isometric to a plane wave if it admits an Ambrose--Singer connection with indecomposable, non-irreducible holonomy. This generalises several existing results that require a certain algebraic type of the torsion of the Ambrose--Singer connection and moreover is in analogy to the fact that a Lorentzian homogeneous space with irreducible isotropy has constant sectional curvature.
2024-03-28 07:31:37

Automatic continuity of operator semigroups in the Calkin algebra
Tomasz Kochanek…
2024-03-11 14:06:16

Thank you to everyone who took the time to nominate for the 2024 GÉANT Community Award! Voting is now open for shortlisted candidates:
1. Marina Adomeit, @…
2. Lars Lange BjŸrn, @…
3. Irina Matthews,
2024-04-16 08:51:57

This has been replaced.
2024-03-28 07:31:37

Automatic continuity of operator semigroups in the Calkin algebra
Tomasz Kochanek…
2024-03-11 14:06:16

Thank you to everyone who took the time to nominate for the 2024 GÉANT Community Award! Voting is now open for shortlisted candidates:
1. Marina Adomeit, @…
2. Lars Lange BjŸrn, @…
3. Irina Matthews,
2024-04-09 07:32:13

A Power Management and Control System for Portable Ecosystem Monitoring Devices
Marcel Balle (Westlake University, China), Wenxiu Xu (Westlake University, China), Kevin FA Darras (Westlake University, China), Thomas Cherico Wanger (Westlake University, China)
2024-05-14 06:51:05

Automatic Recognition of Food Ingestion Environment from the AIM-2 Wearable Sensor
Yuning Huang, Mohamed Abul Hassan, Jiangpeng He, Janine Higgins, Megan McCrory, Heather Eicher-Miller, Graham Thomas, Edward O Sazonov, Fengqing Maggie Zhu