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2024-05-17 19:43:05

Frontlines Situation Report - May 17th, 2024:
2024-04-18 06:35:34

“I never thought leopards would eat MY face,” sobs person who worked at the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Corporation.
2024-04-18 03:24:26

Fuck Google
2024-04-16 20:38:41

Ich warte ja noch auf die #Schlagzeile:
"20.000 neue #Studentenwohnungen fertiggestellt."
aber stattdessen:
"195.000 Studenten in #Berlin erwartet

Students whose families are impacted by extreme weather
earn lower grades than their peers,
have a greater risk of withdrawing from school,
and are more likely to default on their loans post-graduation, as NPR reported. 
Moreover, researchers found that
even if students lived halfway across the country from where a disaster struck that affected their families — for example, if a flood destroyed their parents' home
— they still struggled to keep up with…
2024-03-18 09:57:12

Finland, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Poland, and the Republic of Korea have joined the international commitment to work collectively to counter the proliferation and misuse of commercial spyware,
Joint Statement on Efforts to Counter the Proliferation and Misuse of Commercial Spyware
2024-04-17 02:10:45

Statement by National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on Holding Iran Accountable for Unprecedented Attack on Israel (The White House)
2024-04-18 07:00:06

sp_high_school_new: High school dynamic contacts (2011-2012)
These datasets contain the temporal network of contacts between students in a high school in Marseilles, France. The first dataset gives the contacts of the students of three classes during 4 days in Dec. 2011, and the second corresponds to the contacts of the students of 5 classes during 7 days (from a Monday to the Tuesday of the following week) in Nov. 2012.
This network has 180 nodes and 45047 edges.
Tags: Soc…

sp_high_school_new: High school dynamic contacts (2011-2012). 180 nodes, 45047 edges.
2024-06-17 12:31:10

Ukraine Under Fire. The Situation In The Regions:
2024-04-16 20:34:43

Ukraine state-owned enterprises weekly — Issue 127: