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2024-06-16 08:36:23

Every single sexual thought involves "sexualizing" someone.
Let's quit pretending this stupid new word is useful for anything other than sex-phobic Puritan brain-washing.
#Sexualize #Sexualization

“For the first time since the Vichy regime, the extreme right could prevail again in France,” #Olivier #Faure, the leader of the Socialist Party, said while addressing the crowd in Paris.
That prospect brought out of retirement former President
2024-06-16 11:11:56

If Trump wins he will cut aid to Ukraine, he clearly supports Putin.
2024-06-16 20:00:28
Content warning:

Does anyone know an #anarchist or #feminist library that could use this copy of Black Flag magazine from 2008?
It has Nick Griffin on the front page and articles about anarcha-feminism, housing, Manchester, Marxism, the Russian revolution, the credit crunch, the far ri…

Magazine contents: 
Cover story: The ballot box can't beat a BNP which exploits disillusionment with both capitalism and socialism
Page 4
Expose: What is the true extent of poverty in Manchester? Jack Ray
Page 9
Theory: Placing the credit crunch in
Page 12
Interview: Members of the London
Coalition Against Poverty talk about their
fight against homelessness
In depth: Anarchist feminism, its
forebears and future. Including an
Page 16
Black Flag is for a s…
Black Flag magazine from mid 2008, issue 227, with a large photo of Nick Griffin and the headline Right Fright
2024-06-16 13:28:18

1/N Ihan pari huomiota jalkapallosta ja vastuullisuudesta:
* Jalkapallolla oli kuulemma aikoinaan tärkeä sosiaalinen rooli tarjotessaan työläiskaupunkien väelle sosiaalista liikuntaa ja elämän merkityksiä. Ja näin ei riitä energiaa politikointiin, kun vielä vaikkapa seura on käytännössä tehtaan seura...
2024-06-16 12:31:14

I've posted something like this before, but here is the UK version.
If you are on any other social media then please feel free to grab it and post it there too.

The "Man behind the curtain" scene from The Wizard of Oz. A projection of an emerald Nigel Farage says "Your enemies are the Greens, Socialists, Migrants and most of all Europeans!. Below we see the man operating the projection, captioned "Pay no attention to the billionaire behind the curtain!"
2024-06-16 13:27:05

If we stipulate that sexualization exists (it really doesn't)
what on earth makes us think it's bad?
2024-06-17 19:46:51

#Podcast: #ScienceFiction trifft auf Realität - #SocialScoring – werden wir ständig bewertet?
2024-06-17 22:41:39

# A sociologia do trabalho de Negri, por Cesar Sanson
2024-06-18 04:51:20

#TIL: #SocialScoring gibt es in #China weder im ganzen Land, noch ist es verpflichtend. In den Modellregionen wird in der Regel auch nur positives Verhalten bewertet und man kann seine Punkte dann z.B. für Ku…