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2024-04-27 16:02:46

Sounds like a layer 8 control failure.
2024-03-28 11:45:52

A linkedin tiktok app sounds terrible but I hope they call it Hustle.
2024-03-26 22:55:44

A Supreme Court Justice Sounds a Warning (Ankush Khardori/Politico)
2024-03-27 21:20:17

Polytheism sounds perverse but it's just heathenish.
2024-02-28 13:37:58

Ausschnitte aus AfD-Reden – meist versehen mit Effekten, peppigen Sounds und Stickern – finden sich massenweise auf #TikTok. Für Postings dieser Art würden die AfD-Abgeordneten ihre Reden in den Parlamenten gezielt strukturieren, meint Politologe Johannes Hillje . Sie bündeln prägnante Zitate in Abschnitten von 60 bis 90 Sekunden, die dann als Kurzclips hochgeladen werden können.Die AfD spricht d…
2024-04-27 12:26:53

More people need to consider acoustics when designing cafés. I’m at a place that does gorgeous food, but it’s so echoey, it sounds like a full indoor swimming pool. Won’t be back ☹️
2024-03-27 12:55:12

4. Community led - We are committed to shaping Affinity's future, guided by your ideas and feedback.
All sounds good on paper... Let's hold them to that.
2024-04-27 16:02:46

Sounds like a layer 8 control failure.
2024-04-27 12:26:53

More people need to consider acoustics when designing cafés. I’m at a place that does gorgeous food, but it’s so echoey, it sounds like a full indoor swimming pool. Won’t be back ☹️
2024-03-27 12:55:12

4. Community led - We are committed to shaping Affinity's future, guided by your ideas and feedback.
All sounds good on paper... Let's hold them to that.