Holy frijoles. I'll admit I had no idea Zoom had crashed & burned so badly over the last 4 years.
I have had dozens of customers switching to Teams Conferencing & Teams Voice calling in 2024 but I had no idea ZM's valuation had dropped off 90% since it's high in 2021.
That's an astonishing rise & fall.
Hea artikkel. Samas olen ma ka üsna veendunud, et täiesti tagajärjetu ja kasutu, sest need kes sellega nõus on, arvasid juba enne nii ja need kes sellega nõus ei ole, neid ei veena (veel) üks selleteemaline artikkel ka.
Ma arvan, et tuleks sõnastada teisiti - meil ei lähe praegu hästi, sest me ei usu. Endasse, oma kultuuri, oma majandusse (riigijuhtimisse kohe ammugi mitte). Tegelt ütles sedasama isegi Ligi, omal moel, nagu see tal käib. Sedasama ütles Aimar Ventsel, kui ta arvustas R…
Went to Marfa to celebrate our 25th anniversary. Photos are Bitter Sugar coffee, Motel, a lit firebird hood in our room, and the bathtub. Visited friend Chris at Sticks & Bones, had an amazing sandwich at Bordo, ate at Margaret’s and LaVenture. Quick stop at Chinati Foundation as it was closing. My first trip to West Texas, I’d only gone East and North before. Texas is really big. #marfa #texas #roadtrip #bittersugar #sticksandbones